Myanmar Humanitarian Response Plan 2022



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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Save the Children
Meeting the urgent humanitarian needs and ensuring the protection, education and health of children and their families in Myanmar ---- Education
$285,796 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Provision of emergency education services to crises affected girls and
$1,117,129 Paid Contribution Incoming
Global Partnership for Education
United Nations Children's Fund
Continuing education for crisis-affected children in Myanmar
$4,346,557 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Provision of integrated humanitarian lifesaving assistance and services to most vulnerable conflict-affected population, including children and women in Myanmar
$972,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Save the Children
Promoting child rights through integrated interventions for education and child protection in conflict-affected areas of Shan State (2022 portion of EUR 1,350,000)
Education | Protection
$436,681 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Norwegian Refugee Council
Community-based approach to improve access to quality education, protection and front-line emergency response and preparedness in Northeast and Southeast Myanmar (2022 portion of EUR 1,350,000)
Education | Protection
$720,274 Commitment Incoming
Germany, Government of
Humanitarian assistance in Myanmar
Education | Protection
$266,525 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Save the Children
Meeting the urgent humanitarian needs and ensuring the protection, education and health of children and their families in Myanmar ---- Education
$339,681 Commitment Incoming
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
ActionAid International Myanmar
Delivering critical multisectoral humanitarian aid in Magway through promotion of localized agenda --- Education
$63,763 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
Multi-sectoral assistance in hard-to-reach displacement sites / locations in Kayah and southern Shan States --- Education
$170,220 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Provision of multi-sectorial humanitarian assistance to Internally Displaced People in Kayin State through promoting localization of aid --- Education
$10,000 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
People in Need
Providing multi-sectoral life-saving assistance for displaced persons in Chin and Magway --- Education
$420,000 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
HelpAge International
Support to IDPs in Southeast Myanmar --- Education
$65,978 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Kachin Baptist Convention
Extend assistance to people in need in hard-to-reach and under-served areas in Kachin state -- Education
$22,049 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Kachin Baptist Convention
Extend Humanitarian Assistance to people in need in hard-to-reach and under-served areas in the Northwest region -- Education
$7,617 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Karuna Mission Social Solidarity
Multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to the crisis affected populations in Northwest Myanmar -- Education
$180,561 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
KBC Social Mission
Multi-cluster Assistance in Kayah and East Bago -- Education
$64,974 Paid Contribution Internal
Australia, Government of
United Nations Children's Fund
Myanmar humanitarian crisis Education Humanitarian Assistance in Myanmar - Access to quality education in Rakhine
$3,325,942 Paid Contribution Incoming
Australia, Government of
Save the Children
Myanmar humanitarian crisis Education Humanitarian Assistance on the Thai-Myanmar border - Education
$337,838 Paid Contribution Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Cooperazione E Sviluppo - CESVI
Co-LEARNS: Community-Led Educational Action for Recovery in North-west Magway & South Sagaing (2023 portion of EUR 600,000)
$201,593 Commitment Incoming
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Center for Social Integrity
Emergency response to humanitarian needs for food, shelter/non-food and education support of displaced and conflict-affected communities in Sagaing Region --- Education
$83,846 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Community Partners International
Multi-sectorial Humanitarian Responses for the Conflict Affected communities in South-East (MHR-CASE) --- Education
$110,000 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Nyein (Shalom) Foundation
"Multi-Sector Assistance for Conflict Affected People in South East Myanmar Project (MAP)" --- Education
$139,804 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Nyein (Shalom) Foundation
"Multi-Sector Assistance for Conflict Affected People in South East Myanmar Project (MAP)" --- Water Sanitation and Hygiene
$186,405 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
Save the Children
Humanitarian support to the affected children and their families in Magway through integrated Child Protection, WASH, Education, Health and Nutrition interventions --- Education
$96,000 Paid Contribution Internal
Myanmar Humanitarian Fund
World Concern
Enhancing Resilience to Overcome Impact of Armed-Conflicts in Kachin and Nothern Shan --- Education
$22,500 Paid Contribution Internal
Swiss Development Cooperation/Swiss Humanitarian Aid
Education facilities&material
$216,032 Paid Contribution Incoming
Swiss Development Cooperation/Swiss Humanitarian Aid
Education facilities&material
$189,853 Paid Contribution Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Norwegian Refugee Council
Improving access to quality education and protection for vulnerable conflict-affected communities ---- Education
$341,676 Commitment Incoming
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