Ukraine Flash Appeal 2022



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Displaying 1 - 50 of 59
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
United Nations Children's Fund
Ensuring access to lifesaving health and nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene, child protection, education and cash assistance, supplies and services for children and families in Ukraine
$1,200,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ensuring access to lifesaving health and nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene, child protection, education and cash assistance, supplies and services for children and families in Ukraine
Education | Health | Multi-purpose Cash | Protection | Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
$1,200,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine FA Education
$119,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Flexible funding to Ukraine through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund (Education)
$108,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Contributions received against Ukraine Flash Appeal 2022 Education
$1,116,071 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Denmark
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$1,781,695 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine FA Education (BHA)
$6,205,988 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Multilateral contribution to the affected population (part of the EUR 6,000,000) Education
$664,746 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Protection and Education for Children in Conflict in Ukraine (QZA-20/0058-6)
Education | Protection
$246,996 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Contributions received against Ukraine Flash Appeal 2022 Education
$420,168 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Netherlands
United Nations Children's Fund
$107,527 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Belgium
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund
$583,419 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine FA Education
$329,545 Paid Contribution Incoming
Multi-donor flexible humanitarian contribution (UNICEF Global Humanitarian Thematic)
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal Education
$35,284 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency Grant Aid for humanitarian assistance in Ukraine and neighboring countries. Child Protection, Health, Nutrition and Education - Education
$1,188,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Flexible Funds Ukraine FA Education
$1,646,980 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine:Humanitarian response in Ukraine focusing on education, health, WASH, ch --- Education
$666,667 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine FA Health Water, sanitation and hygiene CP, GBViE and PSEA Education Social protection (Education)
$412,074 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal (Education)
$268,240 Paid Contribution Incoming
Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
Associazione Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale
Emergency education and protection initiative for the most vulnerable in Ukraine
$529,821 Paid Contribution Internal
Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
Street Child Organization
Education in Emergencies in Donetsk, Dnipro, Kyiv, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia
$495,794 Paid Contribution Internal
Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
Charity Fund Posmishka UA
Provision of humanitarian and educational support to non-displaced and displaced families in Zaporizhzhia and Ternopil region
$214,930 Paid Contribution Internal
Education Cannot Wait Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
Education Cannot Wait Fund Ukraine - Education
$2,499,410 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal United Kingdom Committee for UNICEF
$472,136 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Education
$136,986 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Secondments to UN and national/local goverrnment in cash response, child protection and other protection measures (incl. gender based) , education in emergencies, camp and shelter management and refugee management for refugees and internally displaced
Camp Coordination and Camp Management | Education | Protection | Shelter & Non-Food Items
$1,036,377 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
To alleviate the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and neighboring countries caused by the war in Ukraine (Education)
$1,526,144 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Switzerland
United Nations Children's Fund
Swiss Committee for UNICEF Ukraine - Education
$700,763 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Education
$721,580 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through UNICEF Ukraine (Education)
$142,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine FA Education
$100,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Canada
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds Ukraine FA Education
$488,953 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Denmark
United Nations Children's Fund
Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Ukraine FA Education
$90,108 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Finland
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$241,602 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/France
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$48,320 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Germany
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$569,468 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Iceland
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$33,772 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Korea (Republic of)
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$537,564 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Norway
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$12,124 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Poland
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$25,733 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom
United Nations Children's Fund
UK UNICEF National Committee Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$146,077 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom
United Nations Children's Fund
UK UNICEF National Committee Ukraine Flash Appeal through Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund Education
$804 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
USA Fund for UNICEF Ukraine Flash Appeal through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund (Education)
$16,127 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
This allocation contributes to meeting the objectives of UNICEF’s response in Ukraine through the Country Humanitarian Thematic Fund (Education)
$405,892 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine FA through Country Thematic Fund (Education)
$26,878 Paid Contribution Incoming
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières
création de 10 hubs d'information d'urgence, de protection et de soutien psychosocial aux frontières de l'Ukraine et en Ukraine
$953,044 Commitment Incoming
People in Need
Shelter, Protection, WASH, Education
Education | Protection | Shelter & Non-Food Items | Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
$3,915,427 Paid Contribution Incoming
Shanti Volunteer Association
Distribution of food items and non-food items and educational support for people affected by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine
Education | Food Security & Livelihoods | Shelter & Non-Food Items
$407,402 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
This allocation contributes to meeting the objectives of UNICEF’s response in Ukraine and hence seeking 66.4 million USD to provide access to basic services including water and sanitation, immunization and health care, schooling and learning, psychosocial support, and emergency cash assistance for up to 7.5 million children.
Education | Health | Multi-purpose Cash | Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
$1,431,229 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine: To provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine be softly earmarked for ed Education
$4,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
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