Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Response Plan 2023



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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Norwegian Refugee Council
Safe and inclusion learning opportunities for the most conflict affected children in the West Bank and Gaza (2023 portion of EUR 400,000)
$123,715 Commitment Incoming
World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza
Safe Access to inclusive and dignified education in Areas B and C- West Bank (2023 portion of EUR 1 mio)
$521,921 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Safe and inclusion learning opportunities for the most conflict affected children in the West Bank and Gaza (2023 portion of EUR 2.1 mio)
$758,807 Commitment Incoming
Al Najat Charitable Society
Rahma Worldwide
Education Building a school
$259,004 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Protection and Safe Education for Conflict Affected Children, Palestine
$185,168 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
AFKAR for Educational and Cultural Development
Enhanced Resilience, Learning Support And Access to Basic Education Services For Most Vulnerable Children, including Disabled
$259,802 Commitment Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Inclusive learning and psychosocial services for boys and girls with and without out disabilities- SHAREK
$325,000 Commitment Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Terre des Hommes - Lausanne
Enhancing the protection of vulnerable children and adults in the Gaza Strip through the provision of integrated services
$99,054 Commitment Internal
Norwegian Refugee Council
Ensure safe and protective access to learning environments for the most vulnerable and conflict-affected children in the West Bank and Gaza strip.
$456,371 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
UNRWA 2023 West Bank and Gaza Emergency Appeal ---- Education
$1,290,193 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
UNRWA 2023 West Bank and Gaza Emergency Appeal ---- Mental Health and Psychosocial Support - Gaza
$5,664,992 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Prevention of the forcible transfer of Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, through humanitarian assistance andevidence-based advocacy
$37,152 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Improving access to safe and protected learning environments for conflict affected children in the State of Palestine, through improved EiE response, coordination, and evidence generation.
$770,925 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation - Norad Education
$526,108 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Forign Commonwealth & Development Office -FCDO Other
$14,852 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Norwegian Refugee Council
Federal Republic of Germany - GFFO
$12,862 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
Norwegian Refugee Council
Signe Marie Education
$132,269 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
Norwegian Refugee Council
NRC's Private sponsor Education
$404,776 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development - GAC
$2,550 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Palestine: UK Humanitarian Support in Occupied Palestine Territories Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas)
$1,142,132 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
$324,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Providing access to life-saving basic services for Palestinian children and families in the Gaza-Strip, West Bank, including East Jerusalem Education
$522,407 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Private Partnership Funding Emergency Food Assistance 2023 Emergency Appeal for Gaza and WB
$19,403 Paid Contribution Incoming
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Emergency Health
$55,500 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
oPt Emergency Appeal 2023
$9,267 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Emergency response to meet the needs of Palestine refugees in Jenin refugee camp
$1,277,309 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza
Safe Access to inclusive and dignified education in Areas B and C- West Bank
$164,654 Paid Contribution Incoming
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