Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Response Plan 2023



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Displaying 1 - 50 of 107
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary Destination country
International Organization for Migration
Strengthening protection mechanisms in Poland following the crisis in Ukraine
$113,803 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children International Humanitarian Fund nonthematic, flexible Protection - Child Protection
$5,214,639 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children International Humanitarian Fund nonthematic, flexible
$6,927,360 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Strengthening the Humanitarian Response to Crisis-Affected Populations in Hungary
$926,583 Commitment Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Poland
United Nations Children's Fund
furniture donation for Blue Dots in Poland Child Protection
$28,576 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Denmark
United Nations Children's Fund
Romania Support to Ukrainian children & their families in Moldova & Romania-ECARO
$1,127,386 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations Children's Fund
Romania furniture donation for Blue Dots in Romania Child Protection UNICEF Romania
$571,823 Paid Contribution Incoming
Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund
Good Neighbors
Provide quality PSS services to Ukraine refugee children, and support the livelihood of Ukraine refugee women in Romania.
$30,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Spain
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine emergency response -Moldova Child Protection
$35,695 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Spain
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine Emergency response - ECARO Child Protection
$10,893 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committees
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-UKRAINE Emergency funding refugee outflow Ukraine crisis-Romania --- CP, GBViE and PSEA UNICEF-Romania
$171,558 Paid Contribution Incoming
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Providing a multi-sectoral humanitarian response to Ukrainian refugees, third country nationals and vulnerable Moldovan households in Moldova (2022-2023)
$1,551,189 Commitment Incoming
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Providing a multi-sectoral humanitarian response to Ukrainian refugees, third country nationals and vulnerable Moldovan households in Moldova (2022-2023)
$544,364 Commitment Incoming
Plan International
Strengthening Child protection in Ukrainian refugee community in Romania
$948,687 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Volunteer Center of Yamagata
Integrated Humanitarian Support for Ukrainian Refugees through Shelter/Non-Food Item (NFI), Education, Psychosocial Support (PSS), and Cash-based Interventions (CBI) in Galati, Romania
Education | Protection
$916,893 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Improved access to health services, and learning and psycho-social support for Ukrainian refugees in Romania
Education | Health & Nutrition | Protection
$1,029,796 Paid Contribution Incoming
Swiss Solidarity
Terre des Hommes International
Comprehensive service provision for protection, wellbeing & non-formal education of Ukrainian refugee children, youth & families
$2,342,895 Commitment Incoming
Swiss Solidarity
Terre des Hommes International
Addressing basic needs & improving resilience of children,youth & mothers affected
$538,213 Commitment Incoming
Swiss Solidarity
Kinderdorf Pestalozzi
Support to Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova
$549,994 Commitment Incoming
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Provision of Protection assistance to Refugees that fled Ukraine and host community in Moldova, through static and mobile approaches of Protection Mobile Teams and support of Local Authorities capacity.
$62,779 Commitment Incoming
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Provision of Protection assistance to Refugees that fled Ukraine and host community in Moldova, through static and mobile approaches of Protection Mobile Teams and support of Local Authorities capacity.
$83,705 Commitment Incoming
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Improving the equal access to services and assistance for refugees with specific needs and the most vulnerable host community members in Moldova including the left bank of Nistru river
$437,187 Commitment Incoming
Association for Aid and Relief Japan
Protection of Refugees and Host Community populations based at Community Center and Child-Friendly Space in the Republic of Moldova
$653,890 Paid Contribution Incoming
Association for Aid and Relief Japan
Food, Medical and Education Assistance to Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova
Basic Needs | Education | Health & Nutrition | Protection
$788,545 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Educational and psychosocial support for Ukrainian and host community children in Constanta, Romania
Education | Protection
$501,801 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children International Humanitarian Fund nonthematic, flexible Protection - Child Protection
$795,729 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children International Humanitarian Fund nonthematic, flexible Protection - Child Protection
$300,000 Commitment Incoming
People in Need
ACCESS VI: Provision of multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected populations in Ukraine and Moldova ---- Protection
$39,020 Commitment Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Luxembourg
United Nations Children's Fund
ECARO, Switzerland Support to the BLUEDOTS that are helping the Ukrainian refugees SLOVAKIA --- CP, GBViE and PSEA
$112,730 Paid Contribution Incoming
Disasters Emergency Committee
ActionAid International
DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
$1,977,005 Paid Contribution Incoming
Disasters Emergency Committee
DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
$839,674 Paid Contribution Incoming
Disasters Emergency Committee
Plan International
DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
$1,802,979 Paid Contribution Incoming
Disasters Emergency Committee
Plan International
DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
$566,209 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Moldova - Ukraine refugee crisis
$648,253 Paid Contribution Incoming
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Provision of Protection assistance to Refugees that fled Ukraine and host community in Moldova, through static and mobile approaches of Protection Mobile Teams and support of Local Authorities capacity.
$1,395,089 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Poland: Protecting Children from Child Care Institutions in Ukraine to Poland Child Protection ---- USA / BPRM
$9,143,280 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Moldova: Support to the ongoing social protection reform in Moldova -- CP, GBViE and PSEA --
$1,345,748 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
ECARO: Ukraine HAC non-thematic Contribution from the Government of Norway -- CP, GBViE and PSEA & Cross-sectoral (SBC, CE, AAP)
$417,552 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Cross sectoral support to refugee children and caregivers- Poland -- CP, GBViE and PSEA
$132,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency Response to conflict in Ukraine - Romania Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas)
$4,560 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Australia
United Nations Children's Fund
Support to the Ukraine Emergency for Poland -- CP, GBViE and PSEA
$12,187 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A grant contribution of NZ$1.5 million to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to support its Ukraine regional refugee response.
$938,086 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Poland ECARO: Scaling up social and child protection for Ukrainian women, girls and boy -- CP, GBViE and PSEA
$2,297,503 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Ukraine, Moldova: (HAC) Ukraine and Refugee Response 2023 -- CP, GBViE and PSEA
$881,057 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/United Arab Emirates
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-UKRAINE -- Ukraine Emergency response - ECARO Child Protection
$24,503 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committees
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-UKRAINE -- Ukraine Emergency response - ECARO-Moldova Child Protection -- UNICEF-Moldova
$9,182 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-UKRAINE -- Czech Republic: PRM contribution to the 2023 Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Respons -- CP, GBViE and PSEA & Cross-sectoral (SBC, CE, AAP) -- USA / BPRM
$990,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-UKRAINE -- Slovakia: PRM contribution to the 2023 Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Respons -- Cross-sectoral (SBC, CE, AAP) -- USA / BPRM
$202,437 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-UKRAINE -- Moldova: PRM contribution to the 2023 Ukraine Situation Regional Refugee Respons -- CP, GBViE and PSEA -- USA / BPRM
$1,200,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Multi-donor flexible humanitarian contribution (UNICEF Regional Humanitarian Thematic)
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-UKRAINE ECARO, Switzerland Emergency response for Ukraine and Refugees in surrounding countries -- CP, GBViE and PSEA
$738,107 Paid Contribution Incoming

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