Mozambique Humanitarian Response Plan 2023



Total incoming funding: US$214,051,084
Total original requirements: US$512,912,994
Total current requirements: US$512,912,994
Coverage: 41.7%
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) 11,200,000 3,771,011 33.7% 0
Coordination and Common Services 9,380,000 3,004,554 32.0% 0
Education 23,953,598 7,371,353 30.8% 0
Food Security and Livelihood 245,907,967 87,371,146 35.5% 0
Health 19,521,480 16,447,348 84.3% 0
Logistics 10,700,000 9,547,082 89.2% 0
Not reported 0 127,099 0.0% 0
Nutrition 25,000,000 8,647,353 34.6% 0
Protection 57,009,000 14,381,147 25.2% 0
Refugee Response 19,542,727 12,197,173 62.4% 0
Shelter/NFIs 44,949,426 26,388,689 58.7% 0
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) 45,748,796 21,502,421 47.0% 0
Multiple Field clusters (shared) 3,294,708

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