Venezuela Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria 2023



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Displaying 1 - 50 of 58
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Germany, Government of
ACT Alliance / Diakonie Emergency Aid
Humanitarian assistance in the sectors food security, primary health care and WASH for victims of the complex crisis in Venezuela and most vulnerable populations in the mixed migratory flow in Colombia
Agua, saneamiento e higiene | Salud | Seguridad alimentaria
$1,888,320 Commitment Incoming
Germany, Government of
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Primary health care and food assistance for vulnerable groups affected by crises, migration and malnutrition in Colombia and Haiti
$1,090,491 Commitment Incoming
RET International
Food security, Emergency food assistance SDC Caracas
$187,623 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Food Assistance,Health,Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,Protection,Nutrition Enhanced delivery, access to basic health, nutrition, school feed Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas)
$11,091,450 Paid Contribution Incoming
France, Government of
Ensemble Sécurisons le Futur
électrification scolaire du centre de santé La Milagrosa (Maniapure, Etat de Bolivar)
$383,277 Commitment Incoming
Pan-American Health Organization (World Health Organization)
Increasing access to continued and safe lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services in the states of Amazonas, Apure and Sucre.
$518,400 Paid Contribution Incoming
Pan-American Health Organization (World Health Organization)
Increasing access to continued and safe lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services in the states of Amazonas, Apure and Sucre.
$201,600 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Provision of Life-Saving Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention, Response and Support Services for the most vulnerable women and adolescent girls in prioritized areas.
$338,085 Paid Contribution Incoming
Spain, Government of
International Organization for Migration
Donation of PPE kits and equipment to health centers
$487,438 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Pan-American Health Organization (World Health Organization)
Improving access to safe and quality essential health services to Venezuelans in situation of vulnerability (2023 Portion of EUR 2.5 mio -- Health)
$388,882 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Pan-American Health Organization (World Health Organization)
Improving access to safe and quality essential health services to Venezuelans in situation of vulnerability (2023 Portion of EUR 2.5 mio -- Coordination)
$53,335 Commitment Incoming
Luxembourg, Government of
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
The project aims to integrate the Piroa indigenous communities of the Amazon in the process of strengthening organizational capacities for risk mitigation against armed violence and epidemics.
Agua, saneamiento e higiene | Protección | Salud
$213,220 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
United Nations Children's Fund
Sustainable humanitarian response for highly affected communities, refugees and migrant children in Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, and Trinidad & Tobago --- 2023 - Health
$1,578,261 Paid Contribution Incoming
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain
VEN, ACH: Multisectorial Emergency Response. 2021/2023 (7F-10336.02)
$7,580 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Venezuela Inside/CE Health,Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,Protection
Agua, saneamiento e higiene | Protección | Salud
$2,500,000 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Save the Children
Internal flexible funding from the Humanitarian Fund Health
$83,334 Commitment Incoming
Sweden, Government of
International Rescue Committee
Humanitarian initial allocation 2023
$936,856 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Save the Children
Save the Children International Humanitarian Fund nonthematic, flexible
$7,892 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Multisector humanitarian response in Venezuela
$811,210 Paid Contribution Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Multisector humanitarian response in Venezuela
$359,422 Paid Contribution Incoming
Sweden, Government of
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain
Humanitarian initial allocation 2023
$38,224 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
CARE France
Weaving ways: A comprehensive protection and health response with an integrated gender and inclusion approach to the migration crisis and armed conflict in Colombia
Protección | Salud
$1,549,039 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Médicos del Mundo Spain
Contribute to improving access to health for people in vulnerable conditions, in the states of Táchira, Apure and Sucre in Venezuela
$929,900 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
Multisectoral humanitarian assistance to address the urgent needs of the most vulnerable people in Venezuela ---- Health
$634,146 Commitment Incoming
Spain, Government of
International Organization for Migration
Strengthening of access to health services. Providing essential equipment to health care centers. Providing primary health care assistance. ---- AECID
$401,045 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Save the Children
Flexible humanitarian funding from Save the Children International's Humanitarian Fund
$29,340 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Médicos del Mundo Spain
Contribute to the provision of integrated primary health services, SRH, MHPSS, WASH of the most vulnerable populations, including the mitigation of COVID-19, in Apure, Sucre and Tachira of Venezuela States.
$2,346,592 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Mitigation of protection risks of vulnerable indigenous women and girls, through an integrated approach promoting the exercise of their rights, including access to identity, protection services, sexual and reproductive health, Food Sec & Nut, economic empowerment, and protection of their environment.
Protección | Salud | Seguridad alimentaria
$2,403,968 Paid Contribution Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain
Multisectoral and coordinated emergency response directed to the most vulnerable population affected by the complex crisis in Venezuela
$79,913 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Save the Children
Improving access to safe, inclusive, and quality Education, Child Protection, WASH and Disaster Preparedness services for the most vulnerable children affected by the complex crisis in Venezuela.
$23,294 Commitment Incoming
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department
Mercy Corps
Saving lives from the beginning: protecting maternal health in Venezuela
$1,088,139 Commitment Incoming
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
Asociación Civil Redes Integrales de Salud
Fortalecimiento de la Red de Atención Primaria de Salud y Comunitaria en la atención materno-infantil, mujeres en edades reproductivas y adolescentes, estado Miranda, municipio Sucre, parroquia Petare
$690,730 Paid Contribution Internal
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
Asociación Civil Fe y Alegría Venezuela
Acciones para promover habilidades para la vida y la labor productiva en jóvenes, adultas, adultos y población con necesidades educativas especiales en el estado Delta Amacuro
$159,566 Paid Contribution Internal
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
Asistencia multisectorial para la disminución de la vulnerabilidad y el acceso a servicios de protección, seguridad alimentaria, medios de vida y salud de la población vulnerable en Delta Amacuro
$64,234 Paid Contribution Internal
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Mejora del acceso a los servicios integrados de salud, protección y WASH en las comunidades indígenas vulnerables del Estado Amazonas
$160,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
Asociación Civil de Planificación Familiar
“Fortalecimiento de los servicios de atención integral en salud sexual y salud reproductiva, con empoderamiento en derechos sexuales y reproductivos dirigidos a jóvenes y adolescentes de 10 a 25 años, como personas más afectadas por la situación de crisis humanitaria de Venezuela en el Estado Apure
$172,680 Paid Contribution Incoming
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
Primeros Auxilios LUZ
Respuesta multisectorial en comunidades indígenas de los municipios Achaguas y Pedro Camejo del estado Apure con fortalecimiento de servicios de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva para jóvenes y mujeres en edad fértil, y mejoras en el acceso a servicios ASH en centros de salud bajo metodología WASH-FIT con enfoque en Prevención y Control de Infecciones (PCI)
$239,999 Paid Contribution Incoming
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
Centro de Estudios de Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos
Fortalecimiento de la respuesta a sobrevivientes de Violencia Basada en Género con servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva y medios de vida mujeres adolescentes y adultas en el Estado Apure
$29,997 Paid Contribution Incoming
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
Alianza Internacional Cielos Abiertos
Bienestar Integral y Empoderamiento de las Comunidades priorizadas de los municipios Sucre y Cruz Salmerón Acosta del estado Sucre
$25,200 Paid Contribution Incoming
Venezuela Humanitarian Fund
Fomento del Desarrollo Popular
Fortalecimiento de la respuesta de protección a mujeres, niños, niñas y adolescentes incluyendo la asistencia alimentaria y medios de vida, en comunidades del eje carretero del municipio Atures, estado Amazonas
$147,983 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Protecting and guaranteeing the Sexual and Reproductive Rights of the most vulnerable women and adolescents in Venezuela
$761,773 Paid Contribution Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Venezuela Inside/CE Venezuela USAID Recipient
$7,181,824 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Venezuela Inside/CE Venezuela USAID Recipient
$385,453 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations Children's Fund
$68,300 Paid Contribution Incoming
GAVI Alliance
United Nations Children's Fund
$1,841,400 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Provision of Life-Saving Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) Prevention, Response and Support Services for the most vulnerable women and adolescent girls in prioritized areas
$450,502 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norway, Government of
International Organization for Migration
REG Venezuela Humanitarian support to Venezuela and regional support
$238,024 Commitment Incoming
Norway, Government of
Cáritas Cumaná
humanitarian assistance Lifesaving food and necessary non-food items assistance, protection and WASH in line with humanitarian principles.
$37,759 Commitment Incoming
Norway, Government of
Cáritas Cumaná
humanitarian assistance Lifesaving food and necessary non-food items assistance, protection and WASH in line with humanitarian principles.
$37,759 Commitment Incoming
Pan-American Health Organization (World Health Organization)
Saving women and children lives during the first hundred days in Venezuela
$840,000 Commitment Incoming
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