Madagascar Grand Sud and Grand Sud-Est Flash Appeal 2024



You have filtered on a destination object (Field cluster). Please note that filters do not change a boundary, but reduces the result set accordingly. This means that flow funding values in the result set cannot always be simply added together to get the total funding, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as shared flows and internal flows.
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
United Nations Children's Fund
Responding to an underserved health and nutrition crisis in South-East Madagascar Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas)
$1,738,912 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Madagascar Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas) THM HUMANITAR 2022-2025
$31,386 Paid Contribution Incoming
Médecins du Monde
Madagascar/Drought-2021 --- Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Protection, Nutrition
$1,500,000 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Réponse sanitaire d’urgence face aux conséquences de cyclone GAMANE dans les districts d’ANTALAHA, SAMBAVA et VOHEMAR, région de SAVA, MADAGASCAR
$300,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Médecins du Monde
Madagascar/Drought-2021 --- Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Protection, Nutrition
$500,000 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
NUOI - Support to the WHO emergency response to the cholera epidemic in East Africa
$539,957 Paid Contribution Incoming
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