Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2024



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Displaying 1 - 50 of 141
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Improvement of the quality, availability and effectiveness of the Yemeni health system by increasing personnel capacities and expanding the infrastructure. Yemen HRP SYHS Health "SYHS aims to improve the Yemeni health care system's quality, availability, and effectiveness by increasing personnel capacities and expanding the infrastructure. The project focuses on enabling the reproductive health components to function in the facilities by providing equipment and tailored curricula. The project primarily aims to strengthen the health system, especially reproductive health; this strengthens the rights of women, which promotes gender equality. ---- BMZ
$323,149 Paid Contribution Incoming
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Improve access to basic social services for internally displaced persons and local populations in central host regions in Yemen. for internally displaced persons and local populations in key host regions in Yemen Greater Horn of Africa - Desert Locust upsurge – Jan 2020 (i)
$1,407,658 Commitment Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Medical primary healthcare for conflict affected in Al-Hudaydah, Hajjah, Saada, Abyan und Lahj Yemen HRP YEMA II Health + Nutrition "The YEMA II project is aimed at addressing serious health and nutrition needs in Al Hudaydah, Hajjah and Saada in the north, and Lahj and Abyan in the south of Yemen. YEMA will focus on the most vulnerable people in remote and hard-to-reach areas in Yemen ---- GFFO
$9,217,127 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Yemen/CE Yemen UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund Health ---- USAID/BHA ---- Health
$5,796,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated Nutrition, Health, MHPSS and WASH intervention in Al Hudaydah, Abyan and Lahj Governorates, in Southern Yemen. ---- HEALTH
$76,107 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated Nutrition, Health, MHPSS and WASH intervention in Al Hudaydah, Abyan and Lahj Governorates, in Southern Yemen. ---- HEALTH
$304,432 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated Nutrition, Health, MHPSS and WASH intervention in Al Hudaydah, Abyan and Lahj Governorates, in Southern Yemen.
Health | Nutrition | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$223,747 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated nutrition, health and WASH intervention in Al Hudaydah governorate ---- Health
$20,487 Commitment Incoming
integrated Health-Nutrition-WASH programming AL Dhale'e , Lahj (Tuban)
Health | Nutrition | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$750,000 Commitment Incoming
Première Urgence Internationale
Integrated emergency support and primary health care system strengthening at health facility and community levels in vulnerable and hard to reach areas of Hodeidah and Taizz Governorates, Yemen.
$1,272,265 Commitment Incoming
International Rescue Committee
Integrated Response for Conflict-Affected Populations in Southern Yemen covid
$43,912 Commitment Incoming
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Integrated FSL, Health and WASH Response to the vulnerable groups in Taiz governorate, Yemen
$500,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Provision of Secondary Health Care in Four district hospitals in Amran & Hodeida Governorates Yemen (POSHY)
$1,335,410 Paid Contribution Incoming
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Provision of Secondary Health Care in Zabid district hospital in Al-Hodiedah Governorate in Yemen
$658,679 Paid Contribution Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated action to support health, nutrition, WASH and MHPSS in areas of acute food insecurity ans malnutrition in Yemen.
Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2,705,696 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Providing Integrated Lifesaving Reproductive Health and Mental Health Specialize
$1,064,963 Commitment Incoming
Solidarités International
$190,931 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Population Fund
Response to the COVID-19 crisis: Support to maternal health in Yemen
$396,266 Paid Contribution Incoming
Al-Ameen for Humanitarian Support
Operatiion of a dialysis center in the Al-Ghaydah in , Al-Mahra Governorate (the third phase) Yemen Health
$1,806,933 Paid Contribution Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Emergency medical nutrition clinics for displaced people in Al Hudaydah Governorate
$1,813,200 Paid Contribution Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Operating Al-Jaada Health Center in Hayran District, Hajjah Governorate
$1,062,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Operation of mobile medical clinics in Hajjah Governorate
$412,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Providing health care and water services for the displaced people of Saada
$159,500 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Providing critical sexual, reproductive and maternal health care to internally displaced people and local communities in Yemen
Health | Protection
$300,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Access to health services
$586,420 Commitment Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Access to health services
$154,314 Commitment Incoming
Breakthrough Prize
Mercy Corps
Signpost Strategic Growth Fund/ IRC - WASH and Health Service Mapping for vulnerable communities in Taiz Governorate (IRG)
Health | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$248,296 Paid Contribution Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
MHNIR III Health+ Nutrtion "The project contributes directly to scaling up availability and access to treatment and preventive services, increasing access of vulnerable populations including IDPs to the minimum health service package and strengthening the health system, and operational support to health facilities. Based on the identified needs, this response targets a projected 148,000 individuals (32,560 women, 26,640 men, 48,840 girls and 39,960 boys) with an integrated response to health and nutrition, with protection as a crosscutting theme through the following rights-based, gender-responsive, conflict-sensitive and environment-friendly interventions. The proposed project will reach more people with Emergency Health and Nutrition assistance that have not yet been reached through other ADRA Yemen projects. Activities: • Provide capacity building training to health care workers in identification and treatment of IMCI and IPC. • Provide capacity building training to mid-wives and female health care workers in identification and treatment of SGBV, PNC & ANC, as well as BCC, EmONC and neonate care. • Provide pregnant women with culturally appropriate Clean Delivery Kits (CDKs). • Provide routine vaccination for CU5 girls and boys. • Provide health facilities with essential and life-saving medications and services for women, men, boys, and girls. • Provide health facilities with environment friendly and culturally appropriate basic maintenance and non-medical equipment and supplies. • Provide gender responsive and culturally appropriate reproductive healthcare services through counseling of married women seeking family planning. • Provide women, men, boys, and girls with gender responsive, environmentally friendly and culturally appropriate health awareness IEC materials. • Enhance WASH facilities and services for women, men, boys, and girls in the supported health facilities. • Support reproductive health services including emergency obstetrics, newborn and sexual or gender-based violence care. • Provide culturally appropriate secondary health care referral vouchers for severe cases. • Share with women and men gender transformative key messages during awareness sessions and focus group discussions. • Share gender transformative key messages through printed awareness materials. • Screen CU5 girls and boys for SAM and MAM using MUAC and Z-Score. • Enroll CU5 girls and boys with MAM in Target Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP). • Enroll CU5 girls and boys with SAM in Outpatient Therapeutic Program (OTP). • Enroll Malnourished PLW in Supplementary Feeding Program. • Refer SAM cases with complications to TFC for treatment. • provide women, men, boys and girls with gender responsive nutrition awareness IEC material through focused awareness session on community and health facility levels. • Establish gender responsive and culturally appropriate IYCF corners in targeted health facilities. • Train female health workers and community nutrition volunteers in Behavior Change Communication (BCC). • Train Female community volunteers in community management of malnutrition (CMAM)."
$306,135 Paid Contribution Incoming
Radiohjälpen (Radio Aid Sweden)
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
EMHS II Health "In Lahj and Abyan governorates, EMHS II will aim to provide equal access to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services to children with mental health issues (sometimes accompanied with physical July 2022 disabilities), their guardians and caregivers in the marginalized and vulnerable IDP settlements and host communities. EMHS II will be implemented in complementarity with the next phase of the GFFO-funded Health project and the currently implemented BHA-funded project. Both projects will be present in underserved districts in Lahj, Abyan and Aden governorates to address severe health and nutrition needs by providing multisectoral assistance, including the provision of a minimum healthcare package. EMHS II will utilize the existing treatment center in Aden that provides mental health care services and refer cases in need of mental health care and SGBV treatment. Activities: • Conduct awareness activities including informative sessions supported by the distribution of IEC materials and podcasting of radio messages and videos under the supervision of psychosocial counselors. • Conduct psychosocial support sessions at the child-friendly spaces for children. • Identify, treat or refer mental health cases at the Health facility level for treatment • Assess severe cases and transport them to the closest health facility providing the needed care. • Conduct mental health counseling/awareness for children in schools, IDP settlements and host communities. • Rehabilitate, maintain and/or construct child-friendly spaces as needed. • support Aden's psychiatric Hospital with a central laundry and NFIs. • Conduct capacity-building sessions, including Psychological First Aid (PFA) refresher training and Training of Trainees for community volunteers and health care workers, respectively. • Conduct Mental Health Gap (ToTmHGAP) training for community volunteers and health care workers, respectively. • Conduct training to increase teachers’ awareness of the symptoms of mental health issues."
$1,550,156 Paid Contribution Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
YEMLI II "The goal of the Yemen Emergency and Multi-Sectoral Lifesaving Interventions II (YEMLI-II) activity is to provide life-saving interventions to crisis-affected communities in Yemen to address dire health conditions and alleviate underlying food security issues. --- HEALTH --- CASH --- USAID/BHA
$705,007 Paid Contribution Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
YEMLI II "The goal of the Yemen Emergency and Multi-Sectoral Lifesaving Interventions II (YEMLI-II) activity is to provide life-saving interventions to crisis-affected communities in Yemen to address dire health conditions and alleviate underlying food security issues. --- HEALTH --- USAID/BHA
$1,645,016 Paid Contribution Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Health "The Strengthening Healthcare Access project (SHA) is USAID-funded initiative in Yemen aimed at sustaining access to and equitable use of evidence-based maternal, newborn, and child health; nutrition; family planning; and reproductive health (MNCHN/FP/RH) services. Led by JSI, the project’s strategy emphasizes a community-led three-tiered approach of demand generation, supply-side reinforcement, and support for fostering an enabling environment for public health. The project will use community midwives (CMWs), community reproductive health volunteers (CRHVs), and community structures to generate demand for services through social and behavior change (SBC) activities. The project will also facilitate access by mitigating affordability and transportation barriers; link families to higher level care via a robust referral system; and enhance community and individual efforts to improve health. Lastly, the project will support the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MoPHP) to update policies, regulations, and guidelines related to MNCHN/FP/RH and ensure that they are aligned to international standards. --- USAID/BHA
$618,201 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Wars and Disasters Victim's Protection Association
Operating the prosthetics and rehabilitation center in Ma’rib Governorate
$1,380,583 Paid Contribution Incoming
Al-basar International Foundation
Providing medical services in the field of combating blindness and the diseases that cause it to beneficiaries with limited income who cannot cover the costs of their treatment.
$60,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Al-basar International Foundation
Providing medical services in the field of combating blindness and the diseases that cause it to beneficiaries with limited income who cannot cover the costs of their treatment.
$60,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Health and Medical Amount: 1680000 Water/Sanitation Amount: 1320000
$153,593 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Yemen/CE Yemen UNWHO - World Health Organization
$3,747,373 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Yemen/CE Yemen UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund Health
$7,152,123 Paid Contribution Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Yemen USAID Recipient Health
$3,230,134 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Yemen USAID Recipient Health
$3,005,744 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Yemen USAID Recipient Health
$1,916,216 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Yemen USAID Recipient Health
$1,090,841 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2024 Comprehensive Health Care Services for Vulnerable people in Yemen ---- Health
$233,767 Paid Contribution Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
$880,240 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Increased access and improved service delivery through integrated life-saving emergency Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) prevention, and response to the conflict affected population in the most underserved regions in Yemen ---- Health
$1,200,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Integrated multi-sectoral action (health, nutrition, MPCA, WASH and protection) to address immediate needs of crisis-affected populations in Hajjah ------ Health and Medical
$484,691 Commitment Incoming
Première Urgence Internationale
Integrated emergency support and primary health care system strengthening at health facility and community levels in vulnerable and hard to reach areas of Hodeidah and Taizz Governorates, Yemen. ---- HEALTH
$1,282,939 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2024 Providing Integrated Lifesaving Reproductive Health, Gender-Based Violence mitigation and response, and Mental Health Specialized Services to Under-served Communities and Rapid Response Mechanism to newly displaced persons affected by the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen --- Health/SRH
$2,850,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Qatar Charity
Qatar Charity
Provision of medicine, medical equipment, Hygiene kits & giving support to health facilities
$5,892,043 Paid Contribution Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Measles immunization campaign in Hayran District, Hajjah Governorate
$53,600 Paid Contribution Incoming

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