Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2024



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Displaying 1 - 50 of 96
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Integrierte Wasser-, Sanitärversorgung und Hygienemaßnahmen sowie Maßnahmen zur Ernährungssicherung und zum Schutz der vom Konflikt betroffenen Menschen in Marib und Hajjah, Jemen
Food Security and Agriculture | Protection | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$801,603 Commitment Incoming
Danish Refugee Council
Building resilience of Yemeni communities through integrated water resource management and provision of water supply, sanitation and hygiene services ---- SDC
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$476,028 Paid Contribution Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2,693,849 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Enhanced Water Resource Management in IDP Communities WASH, Agriculture, Other Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$3,531,073 Commitment Incoming
Mercy Corps
Provide life-saving multisectoral assistance to underserved and malnourished crisis-affected populations in Yemen, with a specific focus on women and girls, through malnutrition case management and prevention and increased access to water and sanitation.
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2,708,660 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated Nutrition, Health, MHPSS and WASH intervention in Al Hudaydah, Abyan and Lahj Governorates, in Southern Yemen. ---- WASH
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$221,763 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated Nutrition, Health, MHPSS and WASH intervention in Al Hudaydah, Abyan and Lahj Governorates, in Southern Yemen. ---- WASH
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$55,440 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated Nutrition, Health, MHPSS and WASH intervention in Al Hudaydah, Abyan and Lahj Governorates, in Southern Yemen.
Health | Nutrition | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$223,747 Commitment Incoming
integrated Health-Nutrition-WASH programming AL Dhale'e , Lahj (Tuban)
Health | Nutrition | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$750,000 Commitment Incoming
CARE International
Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene measures, cash assistance for food security and distribution of livestock for vulnerable internally displaced persons and host communities in the governorates of Al Mahweet and Hajjah – Yemen
Food Security and Agriculture | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1,519,929 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Integrated action to support health, nutrition, WASH and MHPSS in areas of acute food insecurity ans malnutrition in Yemen.
Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2,705,696 Commitment Incoming
CARE International
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$219,780 Commitment Incoming
Solidarités International
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$190,931 Commitment Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Water supply and environmental sanitation for displaced people in Al-Hudaydah Governorate Yemen
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1,003,300 Paid Contribution Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Water supply and sanitation in Hajjah Governorate
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1,389,700 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Water for Peace in Yemen: Strengthening the Role of Women in Water Conflict Resolution and Resource Management across the HDPN
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1,980,198 Paid Contribution Incoming
Solidarités International
Water sanitation
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$892,235 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Yemen: Integrated Lifesaving Nutrition and WASH interventions for Children Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas) USAID / BHA
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$3,548 Commitment Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/France
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for Cross Sectoral Activities - Yemen Cross-Sectoral (two or more outcome areas) THM HUMANITAR 2022-2025
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$13,319 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Yemen HRP 2024/ IOM Yemen CRP Multi-Sector Enhancing Access To Essential WASH And Health Services For Conflict Affected Populations In Yemen: The intervention will support the expansion of water supply systems in Al Makha, as well as access to essential health services
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$600,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Comprehensive Multi-Sectoral Assistance To Internally Displaced Persons and Host Communities in Yemen --- USAID / BHA
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$5,902,585 Commitment Incoming
Solidarités International
Yemen Access to Lifesaving Assistance: Integrated multi-sectoral response to sudden shocks and acute needs of conflict-affected population in Yemen
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1,550,711 Commitment Incoming
Solidarités International
Providing WaSH, food security and livelihoods, and emergency shelter to meet new and acute needs in Marib city and Marib Al Wadi district, Marib Governorate
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$347,360 Paid Contribution Incoming
Solidarités International
Cash Consortium of Yemen (main award held by DRC) Harmonized Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance to meet critical basic needs among vulnerable households
Food Security and Agriculture | Shelter and NFI | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$880,070 Commitment Incoming
Solidarités International
Building WaSH resilience of most vulnerable communities in Hodeidah and Ta'izz Governorates
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$538,670 Paid Contribution Incoming
Start Network
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Yemen 2024 Water Sanitation Hygiene WASH and Health emergency response to Cholera outbreak in Northern Yemen
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$168,174 Commitment Incoming
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Amélioration de l'accès durable à l'eau à Raymah grâce à la réhabilitation des systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau pour les groupes de population très vulnérables
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$155,253 Commitment Incoming
Breakthrough Prize
Mercy Corps
Signpost Strategic Growth Fund/ IRC - WASH and Health Service Mapping for vulnerable communities in Taiz Governorate (IRG)
Health | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$248,296 Paid Contribution Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
YEMLI II "The goal of the Yemen Emergency and Multi-Sectoral Lifesaving Interventions II (YEMLI-II) activity is to provide life-saving interventions to crisis-affected communities in Yemen to address dire health conditions and alleviate underlying food security issues. --- WASH --- CASH --- USAID/BHA
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$559,656 Paid Contribution Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
YEMLI II "The goal of the Yemen Emergency and Multi-Sectoral Lifesaving Interventions II (YEMLI-II) activity is to provide life-saving interventions to crisis-affected communities in Yemen to address dire health conditions and alleviate underlying food security issues. --- WASH --- USAID/BHA
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1,305,863 Paid Contribution Incoming
Oxfam is focusing on Food Security, WASH and protection.
Food Security and Agriculture | Protection | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$978,186 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Health and Medical Amount: 1680000 Water/Sanitation Amount: 1320000
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$120,680 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Yemen USAID Recipient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$3,158,361 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Yemen USAID Recipient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$1,046,955 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Yemen USAID Recipient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$197,987 Commitment Incoming
International NGOs (Confidential)
Yemen/CE Yemen USAID Recipient Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$2,745,745 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-YEMEN European Commission / ECHO ECHO CHARTERFLIGHTS TO Yemen Feb 2024 Special Purpose ---- WASH
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$235,000 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Integrated multi-sectoral action (health, nutrition, MPCA, WASH and protection) to address immediate needs of crisis-affected populations in Hajjah ------ WASH
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$442,065 Commitment Incoming
Première Urgence Internationale
Integrated emergency support and primary health care system strengthening at health facility and community levels in vulnerable and hard to reach areas of Hodeidah and Taizz Governorates, Yemen. ---- WASH
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$67,344 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Improving water, sanitation and hygiene services in healthcare facilities with sustainable water supply to serve the most vulnerable populations in Yemen
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$3,637,500 Paid Contribution Incoming
CARE International
Integrated WASH and Protection services with mainstreamed disaster preparedness to improve the resilience capacities of vulnerable communities living in conflict and climate affected districts of Taiz Governorate
Protection | WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$625,223 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Providing life-saving humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable and contributing to reduced aid dependency in Yemen Disaster preparedness
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$849,646 Commitment Incoming
INTERSOS Humanitarian Aid Organization
Provision of integrated emergency health and nutrition, protection and WASH for conflict and displacement affected people while consolidating a medium term local preparedness referral response strategy in Hajja, Aden, and Lahj governorates, Yemen
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$78,154 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Yemen: Integrated Lifesaving Nutrition and WASH interventions for Children ---- WASH USAID / BHA
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$6,514,536 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC-YEMEN ---- Yemen: Enhancing the health and nutrition outcomes for women and children in Yemen ---- WASH
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$4,800,995 Paid Contribution Incoming
Concern Worldwide
To save lives and alleviate suffering --- Yemen HRP 2024 --- WASH --- Installation of Emergency Latrines, Provision of Cholera Kits, and rehabilitated water well to solar system
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$129,870 Paid Contribution Incoming
Concern Worldwide
Yemen 2024 --- Multi-Sector --- Sandstorm response in Al-Anad IDP site in Tuban District Lahj Governorate; repair of emergency shelter for IDPs, construction of water supply point, and provision of emergency latrines.
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$16,200 Pledge Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Digging an artesian well and providing a water source in the Al-Jadeed area, Al-Mukha District - Taiz Governorate
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$10,072 Paid Contribution Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Developing the water source of Qashayeb village in Hadibu District, Socotra Governorate
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$98,800 Paid Contribution Incoming
Solidarités International
Increasing the resilience of vulnerable populations in Yemen towards health risks through sustainable WaSH (R-WaSH)
WASH, Sanitation and Hygiene
$267,400 Commitment Incoming
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