Tajikistan Floods and Mudflows REACT Appeal 2009



Total incoming funding: US$648,814
Total requirements: US$1,456,894
Coverage: 44.5%
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency WASH Response for Disaster-Affected Populations (ECHO/TJK/BUD/2009/01002) $210,970 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Emergency support for the provision of primary care for displaced population $118,618 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Health Organization
Communicable and water-borne disease prevention and surveillance $89,129 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Health Organization
Psychological support interventions to flood affected population $98,848 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Health Organization
Prevention of measles outbreak among flood affected population $131,249 Paid Contribution Incoming
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