Djibouti 2016



Total incoming funding: US$26,233,730
Total original requirements: US$74,802,183
Total current requirements: US$74,802,183
Coverage: 35.1%
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Destination org. Sort descending Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Action Contre la Faim - France 150,000 0 0.0% 0
Danish Refugee Council 4,872,219 171,340 3.5% 0
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 7,150,000 758,156 10.6% 0
International Organization for Migration 8,690,000 199,983 2.3% 0
Johanniter Germany 926,000 0 0.0% 0
Norwegian Refugee Council 650,000 805,273 123.9% 0
SOS Sahel International 235,000 0 0.0% 0
United Nations Children's Fund 3,508,234 511,081 14.6% 0
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 32,827,830 14,045,354 42.8% 0
United Nations Population Fund 980,000 0 0.0% 0
World Food Programme 12,875,879 9,442,413 73.3% 0
World Health Organization 1,937,021 300,130 15.5% 0