Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Response Strategy 2018



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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Gruppo Volontariato Civile (until 2018)
Strengthening of resilience capacities through comprehensive emergency WASH interventions in the most vulnerable areas of the Gaza Strip
$257,500 Paid Contribution Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain
Emergency response to improve access to safe, sufficient and affordable water and sanitation facilities for the vulnerable population in southern West Bank
$385,000 Paid Contribution Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Palestinian Hydrology Group
Improve Household WASH conditions for war affected families in the Gaza Strip
$581,138 Paid Contribution Internal
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
Linking Humanitarian Approaches with Sustainable Resilience in the Gaza Strip (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2018/91007)
$1,045,296 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Improved access to essential WASH services in Gaza, and establishing a WASH in Health surveillance system for emergency preparedness and response (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2018/91004)
$2,141,204 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Arab Agronomist Association
Improving the access to domestic water for Za'tara vulnerable community in area C in Bethlehem Governorate
$300,823 Paid Contribution Internal
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
(Gaza Strip) ECHO's 2018 HIP to support families living below the poverty line in Al Amal. Resilience-building, community management of safe water, Al Amal desalination plant through alternative energy solutions.
$1,053,864 Commitment Incoming
MA'AN Development Center
The project aims at Increaseing the safe, equitable and sustainable access to drinking and domestic water in addition to Strengthening the WASH preparedness and response capacity to the vulnerable communities of Shokit Al Sofi Area in the Gaza Strip
$595,238 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Gruppo Volontariato Civile (until 2018)
Gaza Strip - Household WASH services for the most vulnerable families in Gaza
$300,000 Paid Contribution Internal
United Nations Children's Fund
OPTs: Humanitarian Access Preparedness and Response in the Occupied...
$2,673,797 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Palestine: Originadas por desastres naturales o contiendas civiles
$347,222 Paid Contribution Incoming
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Providing Fuel to Support the Health Primary and WASH Services in Gaza Strip. Total allocation: $1,012,979.70 [ Health (50%), WASH (50%)].
$506,489 Paid Contribution Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Oxfam Novib Netherlands
Provision of solar energy sources to critical WASH facilities located in vulnerable and underserved communities in the Southern area of the Gaza Strip.
$383,338 Paid Contribution Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Palestinian Hydrology Group
Reducing Public Health and Environmental Pollution Risks through Solar Pumping of Selected Wastewater Pumping Stations in Gaza.
$411,682 Paid Contribution Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
Response to the urgent WASH humanitarian needs in the Gaza Strip.
$793,946 Paid Contribution Internal
Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund
Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain
Support public water service provider with alternative energy sources (solar) to mitigate the impact of the electricity crisis on the access to water for vulnerable and underserved communities.
$428,780 Paid Contribution Internal
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