Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Response Strategy 2018



Total incoming funding: US$244,057,911
Total original requirements: US$539,721,755
Total current requirements: US$539,721,755
Coverage: 45.2%
Displaying 1 - 242 of 242
Project code Sort descending Description Appealing org. Cluster Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Pledges US$
OPT-18/WS/115649/7536 Improve Household WASH conditions for war affected families in the Gaza Strip Palestinian Hydrology Group WASH 631,728 992,820 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115787/6458 Emergency response to vulnerable households affected by natural hazards in Area C Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Shelter/NFIs 1,202,573 234,899 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115077/14391 Promoting prevention and protection responses to acutely Vulnerable Women and Girls Victims and Survivors of SGBV in the Marginalized Localities of Gaza Strip. Women's Affairs Center Protection 171,580 250,010 0
OPT-18/H/116053/8817 Enhancing protection through provision of specialized mental health services and psychosocial support to the affected men, women, girls and boys living in vulnerable areas at Gaza Strip Gaza Community Mental Health Programme Protection 292,556 398,877 0
OPT-18/E/115621/16704 Providing Equitable and Safe Access to Maintain Resilience of Vulnerable Students in Area C World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza Education 685,863 340,635 0
Not specified n/a n/a n/a 0 61,559,391 0
OPT-18/WS/115837/124 Household WASH services for the most vulnerable families in Gaza United Nations Children's Fund WASH 4,424,702 2,635,150 0
OPT-18/H/114950/5893 Improving access to health care for patients in need for life-saving surgeries Medical Aid for Palestinians Health and Nutrition Cluster 255,027 453,294 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114061/17505 Protective environment for most vulnerable women and children in Gaza Strip Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution Protection 295,618 239,076 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116154/19020 World Council of Churches/Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) ACT Alliance / Dan Church Aid - Norwegian Church Aid Joint office in Palestine Protection 1,511,676 1,070,263 0
OPT-18/S-NF/114186/5834 Humanitarian Support to Protect Palestinians in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) from Forcible Transfer. Norwegian Refugee Council Shelter/NFIs 8,843,249 8,903,372 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115783/6458 Emergency upgrade and repair of vulnerable households’ substandard shelters in the Gaza Strip Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Shelter/NFIs 1,474,417 307,971 0
OPT-18/F/114922/8202 Enhancing food security and building farmers resilience in 6 communities in Salfit governorate. Arab Agronomist Association Food Security Sector 403,891 299,907 0
OPT-18/H/115650/15636 Improvement of the health conditions of children aged 3 to 5 years old in ARAs in Gaza Strip - OPT Al Awda Health and Community Association Health and Nutrition Cluster 271,791 800,000 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115078/16721 Protection women the victims of violence in Gaza Strip Center for Women’s Legal Research and Consulting Protection 217,610 129,936 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116023/5834 Information, Counseling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) to protect the rights of Palestinians and others in the Gaza Strip affected by displacement, access restrictions and lack of legal identity Norwegian Refugee Council Protection 1,061,564 60,000 0
OPT-18/H/115413/19014 Safe blood transfusion of casualties and patients in Gaza Strip hospitals Central Blood Bank Society Health and Nutrition Cluster 499,564 248,677 0
OPT-18/H/116305/5593 Emergency Health Program in Gaza United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Health and Nutrition Cluster 4,900,000 3,260,185 0
OPT-18/WS/115233/5647 Emergency response to improve access to safe, sufficient and affordable water and gender-appropriate sanitation facilities for the vulnerable population in area C, West Bank Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain WASH 1,212,200 385,000 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116369/14588 Promoting human rights -based approach to protect the rights of women with disabilities in the Gaza Strip AISHA Association for Woman and Child Protection Protection 216,396 537,931 0
OPT-18/S-NF/114574/14218 House Upgrading for Vulnerable Families Secours Islamique France Shelter/NFIs 782,607 322,444 0
OPT-18/H/114307/5593 Mobile Health Clinics in the West Bank providing access to primary health care for Palestine refugees United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Health and Nutrition Cluster 1,427,053 1,186,181 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115433/5636 Reinforce the capacities of protection from natural, man-made hazards and conflict escalations of acutely vulnerable Palestinian households Gruppo Volontariato Civile (until 2018) Shelter/NFIs 1,284,506 250,706 0
OPT-18/WS/114907/8202 Improving the Access to Domestic water for Vulnerable Community in area C in Za'tara municipality in Bethlehem Governorate Arab Agronomist Association WASH 290,256 300,823 0
OPT-18/H/114861/5893 Life-saving care of newborns in the Gaza Strip Medical Aid for Palestinians Health and Nutrition Cluster 448,886 502,277 0
OPT-18/H/114600/5349 Enhancing resilience of people with disabilities and elderly through inclusive and emergency responsive health and rehabilitation services Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion Health and Nutrition Cluster 1,999,483 832,547 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115515/14401 Protect the Health and Safety of IDPs and Hardship Cases through Emergency Shelter Responses MA'AN Development Center Shelter/NFIs 1,216,729 282,532 0
OPT-18/WS/115022/5636 Strengthen WASH preparedness and response capacity to emergencies for the most vulnerable women, girls, men and boys in the North Gaza Governorate Gruppo Volontariato Civile (until 2018) WASH 998,738 557,500 0
OPT-18/CP/116180/16143 Meeting the Protection Needs of Vulnerable Children in Gaza and North Gaza Governorates through Child Protection Case Management System Terre des Hommes - Lausanne Protection 168,000 250,002 0
OPT-18/WS/115446/5362 Humanitarian WASH support to vulnerable population in the southern areas of the Gaza Strip Oxfam Novib Netherlands WASH 1,262,600 1,428,634 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115770/13084 Promoting improved respect, protection and fulfilment of the right to the highest attainable standard of health in the Gaza Strip Palestinian Center for Human Rights Protection 200,130 198,654 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115096/18192 Protect acutely vulnerable households from harsh weather conditions and upgrade of substandard housing units to meet minimum standards for shelter Première Urgence Internationale Shelter/NFIs 1,102,586 300,000 0
OPT-18/ER/115788/18192 Protect the livelihoods of acutely vulnerable residents in the Access Restricted Areas and build farmers’ resilience to cope with recurrent shocks and continued Israeli violations of IHL & IHRL Première Urgence Internationale Food Security Sector 1,348,969 300,000 0
OPT-18/WS/115458/5593 Emergency Environmental Health Programme United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East WASH 8,991,666 506,489 0
OPT-18/H/114760/8822 Provision of home care services to people with disabilities in access restricted areas in Gaza Strip National Center for Community Rehabilitation Health and Nutrition Cluster 505,100 240,430 0
OPT-18/GBV/114210/18784 Strengthening the protection mechanism and the community-based response for GBV survivors in Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem. Alianza por la Solidaridad Protection 870,000 199,998 0
OPT-18/ER/115921/5362 Enhance the resilience of vulnerable Farmers in Gaza strip Oxfam Novib Netherlands Food Security Sector 752,860 400,000 0
OPT-18/WS/115196/5647 Improve sanitation and hygiene services for un-served vulnerable locations within urban areas in Jabalia and Rafah cities Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain WASH 1,464,102 428,780 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115172/5647 Emergency response to protect vulnerable families living in inadequate shelters through the rehabilitation of shelters and improvement of sanitation facilities in the West Bank Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain Shelter/NFIs 1,445,800 300,000 0
OPT-18/E/114828/124 Protected and safe access to education as an emergency response for vulnerable communities in the State of Palestine United Nations Children's Fund Education 321,473 244,558 0
OPT-18/H/115137/8772 Reinforce the access to quality medical, mental and psychosocial emergency response in the Occupied Palestinian Territory Médecins du Monde Health and Nutrition Cluster 559,714 1,368,915 0
OPT-18/ER/115175/12714 Supporting Small Scale Farmers' Resilience and food security in Bethlehem, Tulkarem and Nablus Governorates Economic & Social Development Centre of Palestine Food Security Sector 1,495,849 567,463 0
OPT-18/F/114825/561 Country Strategic Plan for food assistance to the poor and severely food insecure population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip World Food Programme Food Security Sector 44,198,114 37,826,396 0
OPT-18/A/115680/123 Time critical response to the severe power shortage in Gaza Strip to save agricultural livelihoods and food security through renewable energy sources Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food Security Sector 3,535,479 3,346,914 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114796/124 Coordinated and integrated child protection and psychosocial support services for the most affected boys and girls in Gaza strip United Nations Children's Fund Protection 1,594,080 341,709 0
OPT-18/E/115959/5593 Stabilizing the learning environment for Palestine refugee children United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Education 5,000,000 2,067,518 0
OPT-18/H/115870/122 Building the Resilience of the Health Sector to Better Cope with the impact of the Electricity Crisis in Gaza World Health Organization Health and Nutrition Cluster 1,647,800 1,700,000 0
OPT-18/CSS/116270/5593 Emergency Management, Preparedness, Safety and Security and Coordination and Capacity Development United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Coordination and Support Services 11,189,603 331,804 0
OPT-18/A/115483/123 Emergency Support to Agricultural Livelihoods in the Access Restricted Area (ARA) of the Gaza Strip Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food Security Sector 2,162,679 1,369,047 0
OPT-18/F/115942/6079 Support food insecure HHs to meet their food and other basic needs Save the Children Food Security Sector 1,675,800 313,441 0
OPT-18/F/115873/5593 Emergency Food Assistance United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Food Security Sector 96,224,310 63,099,937 0
OPT-18/ER/115388/8058 Supporting Livelihoods of Conflict-Affected People in Gaza Strip through Cash Based Programing Islamic Relief Worldwide Food Security Sector 1,230,000 1,096,758 0
OPT-18/CSS/114418/5593 Emergency Operations Support (West Bank) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Coordination and Support Services 3,744,154 2,262,295 0
OPT-18/E/116371/6079 Building Resilience and Emergency Preparedness in Vulnerable Schools Save the Children Education 352,882 247,017 0
OPT-18/ER/116077/5593 Emergency Cash for Work United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Food Security Sector 71,199,935 4,678,095 0
OPT-18/F/114298/5593 Supporting food insecure refugees in the West Bank through the provision of electronic food vouchers United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Food Security Sector 7,085,749 918,649 0
OPT-18/GBV/115613/1171 Gender-based violence response to the most vulnerable communities affected by the humanitarian situation United Nations Population Fund Protection 1,107,000 2,042,419 0
OPT-18/CSS/116394/8835 Protecting the human rights of Palestinians in the oPt: Monitoring, Documentation and Advocacy B'Tselem - the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories Protection 236,178 236,178 0
OPT-18/A/115535/123 Addressing Urgent Needs of Vulnerable Women and Youth in Herding Communities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food Security Sector 3,095,479 1,983,310 0
OPT-18/H/114326/5593 Emergency Community Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Bedouin communities United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Protection 458,277 55,494 0
OPT-18/H/115671/8772 Reinforce the access to Mental Health services in Qalqilya governorate in the North West Bank through provision of community awareness, adequate MH services at Primary Health Care , and proper referral mechanisms of cases to the secondary Mental health services. Médecins du Monde Health and Nutrition Cluster 299,963 114,155 0
OPT-18/CSS/115581/1171 Gender-based Violence Sub-Cluster Lead Support United Nations Population Fund Coordination and Support Services 362,340 14,569 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114856/5116 Mitigation of the threat posed by explosive hazards in Gaza United Nations Mine Action Service Protection 1,400,000 1,604,615 0
OPT-18/ER/114343/5593 Providing emergency Cash for Work opportunities to enable food insecure refugee households in camps to meet their basic needs United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Food Security Sector 13,171,751 1,697,469 0
OPT-18/WS/115799/124 Improved and sustained access to safe drinking water supply for vulnerable Palestinian households in the West Bank United Nations Children's Fund WASH 4,607,111 3,021,019 0
OPT-18/CSS/114479/119 Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in the occupied Palestinian territory Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Coordination and Support Services 6,541,195 4,118,960 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115636/5834 Information, Counseling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) to protect the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) affected by displacement, and Palestinians facing Movement Restrictions between Gaza and the West Bank Norwegian Refugee Council Protection 7,987,990 1,517,251 0
OPT-18/WS/115632/5362 WASH Support to Vulnerable Gaza Population in Fragile Unserved and Under-Served Communities Oxfam Novib Netherlands WASH 1,013,813 1,053,864 0
OPT-18/H/114900/5893 Strengthening emergency preparedness at Community level in ARA and secondary level in South of Gaza through provision of Primary Trauma Care training and prepositioning of lifesaving emergency medications and consumables Medical Aid for Palestinians Health and Nutrition Cluster 178,155 245,003 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116175/5593 Transitional Shelter Cash Assistance & NFI United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Shelter/NFIs 8,500,000 1,000,000 0
OPT-18/CSS/115463/5834 Improving Shelter Response in oPt Through Shelter Cluster Coordination Norwegian Refugee Council Coordination and Support Services 267,500 200,000 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116229/5678 Increase the access and facilitate the right to protection and mental health in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Médicos del Mundo Spain Protection 557,244 777,085 0
OPT-18/F/116102/19020 Innovative response to humanitarian food and water needs (for girls, women, boys and men) in Gaza. ACT Alliance / Dan Church Aid - Norwegian Church Aid Joint office in Palestine Food Security Sector 989,217 752,513 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115419/7634 Increase respect and accountability for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) ACT Alliance / Diakonia, Sweden Protection 65,000 1,104,345 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116320/6079 Rehabilitation and reintegration of Palestinian child ex-detainees Save the Children Protection 218,854 218,854 0
OPT-18/CP/116247/6079 Psycho-social Support and Increased Resilience for Vulnerable Children in oPt through Community-Based Child Protection Mechanism Save the Children Protection 799,174 983,691 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116237/5593 Shelter and Shelter Repairs United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Shelter/NFIs 19,000,000 80,745 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114135/5125 Provision of Emergency Preparedness Safety & Risk Education in the Gaza Strip Norwegian People's Aid Protection 710,631 181,730 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115300/8772 Enhance the Protection of vulnerable communities in the North-West Bank affected by Conflict related violence through MHPSS support, community resilience and advocacy Médecins du Monde Protection 601,528 383,463 0
OPT-18/A/115657/123 Improve vulnerable female and male farmers’ preparedness and strengthen their resilience to water scarcity through quick impact interventions Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Food Security Sector 5,013,879 1,369,047 0
OPT-18/CSS/116105/123 Strengthening the food security coordination system in the West Bank and Gaza Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Coordination and Support Services 536,123 389,895 0
OPT-18/CSS/114799/124 Effective and efficient coordination of child protection and mental health interventions in Gaza, and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem United Nations Children's Fund Coordination and Support Services 185,814 298,260 0
OPT-18/H/115884/1171 Responding to Critical Health Needs of Young People at Risk United Nations Population Fund Health and Nutrition Cluster 628,560 500,000 0
OPT-18/CP/115792/16143 Protection of Vulnerable Children Victims of Child Labour in the Gaza Strip Terre des Hommes - Lausanne Protection 267,000 112,263 0
OPT-18/CP/115475/18098 Promoting a Child Safe Environment in the Gaza Strip through Enhancing Child Protection Response Mechanisms Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children Protection 200,260 11,000 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115766/14812 Coordinated and multi-sectoral Responses to Address the Needs of Vulnerable Women and Girls in Gaza UN Women Protection 1,155,598 200,000 0
OPT-18/WS/115521/14401 Humanitarian Preparedness and Response to Ensure the Access of Vulnerable Communities in Shokit Al Sofi to Basic WASH Services MA'AN Development Center WASH 601,208 595,238 0
OPT-18/H/115215/5528 Improving access to essential primary health care services, protection and crisis preparedness of vulnerable communities and provision of medicines to social hardship cases in the occupied Palestinian Territories Medico International Health and Nutrition Cluster 1,200,000 1,327,201 0
OPT-18/E/115417/5834 Humanitarian support to protect Education from Attacks in MoEHE schools in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) Norwegian Refugee Council Education 1,056,642 929,152 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115840/16732 Enhanced access to legal services and remedies for victims of IHL/IHRL violations in Gaza, particularly in ARA Al Mezan Center for Human Rights Protection 173,480 104,348 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114274/5593 Protection of Palestine Refugees Affected by the Occupation and Forced Displacement in the West Bank United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Protection 1,924,999 1,158,868 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116222/14917 Addressing the Culture of Impunity within Israel's Security Forces Personnel Yesh Din - Volunteers for Human Rights Protection 250,000 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116150/14812 Addressing the needs of women with residency rights issues in East Jerusalem UN Women Protection 211,168 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115379/5834 Adequate shelter solutions, increased protection, and strengthened resilience for acutely vulnerable families in Gaza Norwegian Refugee Council Shelter/NFIs 2,389,414 0 0
OPT-18/H/116410/16908 Appeal for lifesaving medical supplies for thalassemia patients Thalassemia Patients’ Friends Society Health and Nutrition Cluster 429,821 0 0
OPT-18/F/115134/5162 Assistance to vulnerable farmers and other food insecure households in Khan Younis and Rafah Mercy Corps Food Security Sector 1,099,268 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115858/8009 Assisting Farmers in Gaza and Southern governorates through rehabilitation of agricultural assets Arab Center for Agricultural Development Food Security Sector 710,797 0 0
OPT-18/ER/114476/14401 Building Farmers' Resilience and Enhancing the Productivity of Agriculture Based Livelihoods for Vulnerable Populations in South Hebron MA'AN Development Center Food Security Sector 838,078 0 0
OPT-18/F/116334/16704 Building the resilience of Vulnerable Families in Area “C” World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza Food Security Sector 1,557,095 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115186/18192 Build the capacity of local communities in emergency preparedness and enhance the resilience of vulnerable affected population in the Gaza Strip Première Urgence Internationale WASH 548,233 0 0
OPT-18/E/115237/5162 Catch-up Classes and Psychosocial Support for Students in UNRWA Schools in Eastern Gaza Strip Mercy Corps Education 1,035,017 0 0
OPT-18/H/115917/5593 Community Mental Health Programme (CMHP), Gaza United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Protection 9,500,936 0 0
OPT-18/H/114385/8014 Connecting children and adolescents with health services in East Jerusalem. Health Work Committees Health and Nutrition Cluster 152,150 0 0
OPT-18/F/115390/7532 Contribute to enhance the resilience and food security of vulnerable, small scale farmers and breeders through sustainable water and energy resources. Agriculture Development Association Food Security Sector 715,338 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116248/5593 Designated Emergency Shelters Adaptation Project United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Shelter/NFIs 21,449,474 0 0
OPT-18/H/115644/19043 Early Detection and Management of Breast Cancer among women in Gaza. Ahli Arab Hospital Health and Nutrition Cluster 500,000 0 0
OPT-18/CSS/114829/124 Education Cluster and Education in Emergencies Working Group (EiE WG) United Nations Children's Fund Coordination and Support Services 341,658 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115332/776 Emergency Cash Assistance for affected Non refugee families in Gaza Strip – Gaza Crisis 2014 United Nations Development Programme Shelter/NFIs 1,918,516 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115615/14401 Emergency food and livelihood assistance to Palestinians fled to Gaza escaping from the conflict zones of Syria, Yemen, and Libya MA'AN Development Center Food Security Sector 699,907 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/114430/14377 Emergency housing rehabilitation for women headed households and vulnerable families in East Jerusalem and Area C Palestinian Housing Council Shelter/NFIs 598,806 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115578/5645 Emergency livelihoods response to vulnerable households affected by the Gaza crisis. CARE International Food Security Sector 1,978,303 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115267/5162 Emergency Preparedness and Response through Prepositioning and Distributions of NFIs to IDPs and vulnerable families affected by Natural Disasters and Weather extremes Mercy Corps Shelter/NFIs 517,911 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115143/5647 Emergency Preparedness Upgrading PA public schools in Gaza Strip to serve as Designated Emergency Shelters and as post-emergency Collective Centers Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain Shelter/NFIs 1,181,786 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/114849/5834 Emergency Preparedness: Upgrading PA public schools in Gaza Strip to serve as Designated Emergency Shelters and as post-emergency Collective Centers Norwegian Refugee Council Shelter/NFIs 1,483,375 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116288/18192 Emergency Preparedness: Upgrading PA public schools in the Gaza Strip to serve as Designated Emergency Shelters and as post emergency Collective Centers Première Urgence Internationale Shelter/NFIs 1,052,041 0 0
OPT-18/A/116331/6458 Emergency rehabilitation of agricultural assets in a context of water shortage in the Gaza Strip Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Food Security Sector 1,122,219 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116299/6458 Emergency response to psychosocial, safety and security needs in East Jerusalem’s Old City and Silwan neighbourhoods Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Protection 617,267 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116281/7039 Emergency shelter assistance for vulnerable households in Area C located near the Separation Wall United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) Shelter/NFIs 151,046 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116281/6458 Emergency shelter assistance for vulnerable households in Area C located near the Separation Wall Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Shelter/NFIs 775,660 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115290/14401 Emergency shelter rehabilitation for the most vulnerable households in the Jordan Valley. MA'AN Development Center Shelter/NFIs 1,495,431 0 0
OPT-18/F/115698/5647 Emergency support for vulnerable communities in the West Bank affected by emergency crises through agricultural based interventions Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain Food Security Sector 2,350,720 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115085/5964 Emergency WASH Response in Gaza Strip Pre-schools and Kindergartens International Orthodox Christian Charities WASH 482,000 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115990/16280 Empowering and Supporting Vulnerable Groups and Victims of Gender-Based Violence in East Jerusalem and Area C Sawa Organization Protection 100,000 0 0
OPT-18/F/115405/17250 Enable marginalized farming families to access and utilize productive land and water efficiently in East Salfit Cluster , oPt Palestinian Youth Union Food Security Sector 1,038,502 0 0
OPT-18/CSS/115592/14812 Engendering Humanitarian Response UN Women Coordination and Support Services 250,000 0 0
OPT-18/E/115781/16292 Enhance Access to safe and inclusive early Education in south Gaza EducAid Onlus Education 416,230 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115121/16283 Enhanced protection of vulnerable adolescent schoolgirls and schoolboys from Gaza refugee camps through inclusive and emergency responsive drama activities. Theatre Day Productions Protection 70,862 0 0
OPT-18/E/114934/16608 Enhance the ability of acutely vulnerable children in 5&6 grades (girls & boys) through alternative learning to cope with protracted threats and shocks in 11 schools in East Gaza and Beit Lahiya. Tomooh Association for Skills Development Education 191,760 0 0
OPT-18/ER/114558/14896 Enhance the income of vulnerable and poor female and male farmers in the most affected areas of the Gaza Strip. NGO Development Center Food Security Sector 2,678,935 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115617/7532 Enhance the resilience and food security of vulnerable farmers in Jerusalem through rehabilitation of agricultural lands and roads Agriculture Development Association Food Security Sector 615,600 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115875/16296 Enhancing protection, access to services and accountability for women survivors of GBV in Rafah Governorate Wefaq Society for Women and Child Care Protection 164,580 0 0
OPT-18/H/115470/12910 Enhancing provision of lifesaving healthcare services for more vulnerable people with disability in the Gaza strip National Society for Rehabilitation Health and Nutrition Cluster 477,770 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114309/8822 Enhancing the protection for girls and women with disabilities Protection in the Gaza access restricted areas National Center for Community Rehabilitation Protection 188,250 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116340/19050 Enhancing the protection of vulnerable Palestinians in East Jerusalem through a legal, psycho-social and advocacy response Community Action Center - Al Quds University Protection 427,321 0 0
OPT-18/E/115597/16285 Ensure access for vulnerable students (boys and girls) to adequate learning The Society of Women Graduates in Gaza strip Education 235,940 0 0
OPT-18/E/116328/8364 Ensuring Access to Education Services for Children with Disabilities in Gaza Strip Teacher Creativity Centre Education 199,337 0 0
OPT-18/CSS/116112/5593 Ensuring respect of humanitarian principles and neutrality for the protection of the civilian population United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Coordination and Support Services 2,075,700 0 0
OPT-18/WS/114693/5816 Ensuring that acutely vulnerable Palestinian Bedouins and herders' communities in area C in the West Bank have access to water supply and appropriate WASH facilities Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli WASH 981,190 0 0
OPT-18/H/116169/18206 Health and psychosocial support for breast cancer survivors in the Gaza Strip Basmet Amal for Cancer Care Protection 186,100 0 0
OPT-18/H/114421/5645 Health under protection (HUP): Emergency health and nutrition assistance to people living in communities whose rights are inadequately protected in the West bank (WB). CARE International Health and Nutrition Cluster 720,736 0 0
OPT-18/F/116007/5647 Humanitarian response to enhance resilience and protect productive assets of vulnerable herding households located in southeast areas of Hebron governorate Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain Food Security Sector 2,549,535 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115026/5636 Humanitarian response to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable communities in the Gaza Strip affected by solid waste mismanagement and hazards Gruppo Volontariato Civile (until 2018) WASH 600,398 0 0
OPT-18/H/115631/18157 Humanitarian response to medical and rehabilitation needs of people with disabilities and elderly especially during emergency situations in Gaza El-Wafa Rehabilitation Hospital Health and Nutrition Cluster 362,832 0 0
OPT-18/E/115637/5834 Humanitarian support for the provision of enabling, inclusive and protective education in MoEHE schools in the Gaza Strip Norwegian Refugee Council Education 1,378,788 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115265/5964 Improve Access to Proper WASH Facilities for Vulnerable Households in the Gaza Strip International Orthodox Christian Charities WASH 277,000 0 0
OPT-18/E/116223/6079 Improve access to safe quality education environment in 20 UNRWA boys and girls schools in Gaza Strip Save the Children Education 1,088,000 0 0
OPT-18/E/116171/6079 Improve access to safe quality education environment in 40 KGs in Gaza Strip Save the Children Education 754,620 0 0
OPT-18/F/116025/6079 Improve Community Resilience in Vulnerable and Conflict Affected Communities in the Gaza Strip Save the Children Food Security Sector 1,400,000 0 0
OPT-18/WS/116062/5834 Improved access to adequate WASH facilities and safe drinking water Norwegian Refugee Council WASH 2,450,400 0 0
OPT-18/E/115762/16863 Improved access to basic and pre-school education of vulnerable girls and boys in the Gaza Strip Save Youth Future Society Education 618,172 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115832/124 Improved essential wat/san services in schools and health facilities in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. United Nations Children's Fund WASH 1,094,064 0 0
OPT-18/H/115382/6443 Improve health status and life quality of children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in the Gaza Strip Qatar Red Crescent Society Health and Nutrition Cluster 214,000 0 0
OPT-18/H/115312/17314 Improvement the well-being of elderly people in North Gaza Governorate. Baitona for Community Development Health and Nutrition Cluster 122,040 0 0
OPT-18/WS/116130/6079 Improve the environmental health situation in Al Shoka Rafah Save the Children WASH 1,333,333 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116021/14896 Improve the lives of the most vulnerable families in the Gaza Strip through rehabilitating their houses NGO Development Center Shelter/NFIs 1,943,462 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115846/5647 Improve the production of essential food crops through the rehabilitation of key agricultural infrastructure and productive assets damaged by recurrent wars and shocks in the Gaza Strip. Acción Contra el Hambre - Spain Food Security Sector 1,067,664 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115596/7532 Improve the resilience and living conditions of women and men farmers through rehabilitation of greenhouses and irrigated open fields Agriculture Development Association Food Security Sector 751,032 0 0
OPT-18/GBV/116420/19096 Improve women and girls access to GBV multi -sectoral services by ensuring advocacy, economical opportunities and resiliency Red Crescent Society for Gaza Strip Protection 205,440 0 0
OPT-18/H/115924/8855 Improving emergency response capacity in communities (Gaza) Juzoor for Health and Social Development Health and Nutrition Cluster 64,705 0 0
OPT-18/H/115989/8855 Improving emergency response capacity in East Jerusalem, West Bank, and Gaza Juzoor for Health and Social Development Health and Nutrition Cluster 107,468 0 0
OPT-18/F/115973/16183 Improving FSS Situations in Marginalized Rural Area “C’” of the West Bank We Effect Food Security Sector 1,010,000 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115268/5162 Improving housing conditions of vulnerable households living in Substandard units in Gaza and affected by weather extremes Mercy Corps Shelter/NFIs 1,246,059 0 0
OPT-18/H/115389/6443 Improving kidney dialysis services in the Gaza strip Qatar Red Crescent Society Health and Nutrition Cluster 562,000 0 0
OPT-18/H/116091/16704 Improving lifesaving health ,nutrition and psychosocial services of vulnerable mothers and children in area C in West Bank World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza Health and Nutrition Cluster 480,869 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115516/8699 Improving livelihood of vulnerable small scale farmers affected by Gaza crisis Union of Agricultural Work Committees Food Security Sector 435,955 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115270/7532 Improving, rehabilitating, and winterizing of vulnerable and inadequate shelters in Area C for vulnerable women and men in herding and farming communities in order to increase their resilience Agriculture Development Association Shelter/NFIs 846,370 0 0
OPT-18/F/114688/5125 Improving resilience for vulnerable communities in area C of the West Bank Norwegian People's Aid Food Security Sector 330,338 0 0
OPT-18/F/114672/5125 Improving resilience for vulnerable communities in the Gaza Strip Norwegian People's Aid Food Security Sector 770,786 0 0
OPT-18/WS/114435/13079 Improving the Access to Domestic water and Hygiene Conditions for Vulnerable Communities in Rafah Govern-orates Palestinian Environmental Friends WASH 347,355 0 0
OPT-18/H/116364/5678 Improving the Emergency Preparedness and response of the Health Services in Deir El Balah Governorate, Gaza Strip, oPt. Médicos del Mundo Spain Health and Nutrition Cluster 422,500 0 0
OPT-18/H/115068/15945 Improving the Living Conditions of Children with Disabilities (CwDs) in two neighborhoods of Gaza Governorate Palestine Save the Children Foundation Health and Nutrition Cluster 155,567 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115847/16183 Improving WASH Situations in marginalized rural Area “C’” of the West Bank We Effect WASH 1,157,451 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115420/7536 Improving WASH Situations in marginalized rural Area “C’” of the West Bank Palestinian Hydrology Group WASH 681,215 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115808/124 Increase water availability, access and management in communities vulnerable to water scarcity in the West Bank. United Nations Children's Fund WASH 1,289,382 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114793/124 Informing humanitarian programmatic and advocacy response through documentation of grave violations against children affected by armed conflict United Nations Children's Fund Protection 324,000 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116277/6458 Integrated emergency assistance to refugees from Syria, Libya, Yemen and Iraq in the Gaza Strip. Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development Shelter/NFIs 1,147,498 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115939/16730 It's Time for Warmth, It's Time for Light Rebuilding Alliance Shelter/NFIs 1,234,400 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115126/16863 Livelihoods support for youth, graduates, women-headed households and other food insecure households in the Gaza Strip Save Youth Future Society Food Security Sector 684,820 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115957/8808 Monitoring torture and ill-treatment in detention and prison Public Committee Against Torture in Israel Protection 69,400 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115768/8262 Permanent Upgrades for Sub-Standard Housing (PUSH) Development and Peace Shelter/NFIs 1,500,000 0 0
OPT-18/H/116086/6989 Physicians for Human Rights Israel - Medical services for Palestinians from the oPt Physicians for Human Rights Health and Nutrition Cluster 270,580 0 0
OPT-18/H/115375/122 Pre-positioning and provision of the WHO NCD kits during emergencies World Health Organization Health and Nutrition Cluster 1,700,000 0 0
OPT-18/H/114264/8855 Preventing Risky Behaviors among Palestinian Youth in East Jerusalem Juzoor for Health and Social Development Health and Nutrition Cluster 247,438 0 0
OPT-18/GBV/115385/17492 Project title :Combating gender based violence against women and girls including women and girls with disability Psycho Social Counselling Center for Women Protection 129,196 0 0
OPT-18/H/116366/6443 Promoting chemotherapeutic oncology services in the Gaza Strip Qatar Red Crescent Society Health and Nutrition Cluster 982,800 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114625/5349 Promoting inclusive responses to foster resilience of the most vulnerable communities in Gaza Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion Protection 703,143 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115914/5593 Promoting resilient livelihoods for vulnerable Palestine refugees coping with protracted threats and shocks United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Food Security Sector 200,000 0 0
OPT-18/E/114272/5349 Promoting the education and protection of Children with disabilities in emergencies Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion Education 761,616 0 0
OPT-18/CP/116085/6750 Protecting children in No Man’s Land – Improved Child Protection and Psychosocial Support in Jordan Valley War Child Holland Protection 257,400 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115393/8814 Protecting Freedom of Movement and Access in Palestine Center for the Defence of the Individual Protection 214,000 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115645/5645 Protecting livelihoods and Improving Resilience of Communities in the middle, southern eastern slopes and Jordan Valley - Area C - West Bank CARE International Food Security Sector 1,829,580 0 0
OPT-18/A/116405/8699 Protecting small cow breeders in poorer and marginalized areas in the West Bank Union of Agricultural Work Committees Food Security Sector 996,000 0 0
OPT-18/CSS/115295/5025 Protection Cluster Lead Support Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Coordination and Support Services 751,553 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114899/16730 Protection of vulnerable communities in Area C and Gaza via provision of MHPSS and advocacy initiatives Rebuilding Alliance Protection 207,880 0 0
OPT-18/GBV/115069/17505 Protective Environment from GBV against Most Vulnerable Women and Children in the West Bank. Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution Protection 179,880 0 0
OPT-18/F/115588/8699 Protect small-scale small ruminants breeders and preserve assets in marginalized areas and area C of West Bank. Union of Agricultural Work Committees Food Security Sector 694,000 0 0
OPT-18/H/115813/18111 Provide access to adequate and essential health care for children ,women and men with cerebral palsy and several disabilities. Mabarret Phalastine for Caring Society Health and Nutrition Cluster 428,615 0 0
OPT-18/E/115133/18111 Provide catch up classes for children who are suffering from Kidney failure and cancer in all hospital in Gaza Strip Mabarret Phalastine for Caring Society Education 729,697 0 0
OPT-18/E/115716/5103 Providing inclusive quality education in most vulnerable secondary schools in Gaza Strip by promoting schools as safe zones and protecting education from attack United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Education 855,506 0 0
OPT-18/E/114789/8364 Provision of catch- up/ remedial classes to vulnerable children with low learning performance in the Gaza Strip Teacher Creativity Centre Education 190,858 0 0
OPT-18/E/115938/13121 Psychosocial support for MoEHE schools Center for Mind Body Medicine Education 353,892 0 0
OPT-18/H/115030/6443 Qualitative Special care to children with PKU Disease 2018 Qatar Red Crescent Society Health and Nutrition Cluster 212,760 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/114797/124 Reaching out to the most vulnerable children exposed to conflict related violence with protection and prevention services in East Jerusalem and Hebron. United Nations Children's Fund Protection 420,660 0 0
OPT-18/H/115677/122 Reducing premature deaths and complications for people with diabetes and comorbid common mental health problems World Health Organization Health and Nutrition Cluster 454,900 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116072/19012 Rehabilitation of dilapidated houses for women-headed families in eastern Khan Younis governorate Bait Almostaqbul Association Shelter/NFIs 588,380 0 0
OPT-18/WS/114942/16608 Rehabilitation of sanitation facilities and secure the safe access to healthy and safe drinkable water needed in 13 primary and basic schools in Jabalya and east Gaza Tomooh Association for Skills Development WASH 182,850 0 0
OPT-18/E/114821/124 Remedial classes for children falling behind in learning in Gaza United Nations Children's Fund Education 374,609 0 0
OPT-18/F/114815/8816 Responding to food insecurity needs particularly to vulnerable women in three locations north-west of Jerusalem district Rural Women's Development Society Food Security Sector 317,652 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116153/5593 Responding to the protection needs of the most vulnerable Palestine refugees in Gaza (GBV and child labour) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Protection 500,000 0 0
OPT-18/WS/116421/8555 Response to improve access to safe, sufficient and affordable water for the vulnerable population Rural Centre for Sustainable Development WASH 758,000 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115697/8555 Response to Shelter Needs to protect vulnerable families through the rehabilitation of their shelters Rural Centre for Sustainable Development Shelter/NFIs 895,200 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115291/5636 Response to the emergency situation of WASH services access in the most vulnerable communities and affected groups in the West Bank Gruppo Volontariato Civile (until 2018) WASH 2,391,249 0 0
OPT-18/ER/116087/18031 Restore livelihoods of beekeepers in Gaza Strip Al Najd Developmental Forum Food Security Sector 647,256 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115941/16183 Restoring Agricultural Livelihoods of Vulnerable Small-Scale Farmers in Gaza Strip We Effect Food Security Sector 426,500 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115638/12714 Restoring and protecting livelihoods of farmers through rehabilitation of agriculture assets in North Gaza Governorate Economic & Social Development Centre of Palestine Food Security Sector 546,920 0 0
OPT-18/H/114843/122 Right to Health Advocacy and Empowerment World Health Organization Health and Nutrition Cluster 300,000 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116173/18031 safe and secure shelters for vulnerable families Al Najd Developmental Forum Shelter/NFIs 479,498 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115829/124 Safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for unserved communities in Area C United Nations Children's Fund WASH 1,244,445 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115219/5162 Sanitation and hygiene public awareness in Wadi Al Salga and Al Musadar Mercy Corps WASH 736,463 0 0
OPT-18/WS/114665/8058 Securing a healthy and protective living environment for vulnerable people in Wadi Al-Salqa Village Islamic Relief Worldwide WASH 186,000 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/116312/8058 Securing healthy and protective home environment for vulnerable households in the Gaza City Islamic Relief Worldwide Shelter/NFIs 420,000 0 0
OPT-18/H/114595/1171 Strengthen Gaza Health system, community’s preparedness, resilience and response to reproductive health needs in crises United Nations Population Fund Health and Nutrition Cluster 1,166,400 0 0
OPT-18/CSS/114154/124 Strengthening emergency preparedness and resilience of adolescents in Government schools United Nations Children's Fund Education 555,984 0 0
OPT-18/CSS/115661/122 Strengthening health information and coordination in a protracted emergency to improve the effectiveness of lifesaving health response for vulnerable people World Health Organization Coordination and Support Services 452,953 0 0
OPT-18/WS/115836/124 Strengthening preparedness and response capacity of flood-prone communities in Gaza United Nations Children's Fund WASH 3,259,780 0 0
OPT-18/H/115911/12732 Strengthening resiliency and reducing psychological traumas among children and their families in marginalized villages in the West Bank and East Jerusalem Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture Health and Nutrition Cluster 110,620 0 0
OPT-18/CP/116049/6750 Supporting community-based child protection and psychosocial care, contributing to improved coping and resilience among girls, boys, and their caregivers in Gaza. War Child Holland Protection 257,500 0 0
OPT-18/H/115791/6443 Supporting life saving Neonatal Care services in Gaza Qatar Red Crescent Society Health and Nutrition Cluster 823,000 0 0
OPT-18/A/116256/18192 Supporting olive farmers affected by the coercive environment in accessing and cultivating their land in the governorates of Salfit and Jerusalem Première Urgence Internationale Food Security Sector 1,030,817 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115945/5362 Supporting the vulnerable farmers affected in area C by and prone to settler violence for sustained and improved livelihood Oxfam Novib Netherlands Food Security Sector 2,370,490 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/115999/1171 Supporting Vulnerable Young People United Nations Population Fund Protection 963,360 0 0
OPT-18/E/114873/124 Support the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) to plan for and respond to emergencies affecting children’s access to education United Nations Children's Fund Education 2,546,078 0 0
OPT-18/ER/115891/5362 Support the resilience of the affected farmers in Gaza Strip Oxfam Novib Netherlands Food Security Sector 1,070,000 0 0
OPT-18/H/115439/14267 Sustaining inclusive primary eye care services in the West Bank for prevention of blindness and visual impairments St. John Eye Hospital Health and Nutrition Cluster 683,400 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116012/16283 The Collective Power of Women's Voices – storytelling as a community-based approach to fight GBV caused by the humanitarian crisis in Gaza Theatre Day Productions Protection 52,665 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115402/776 Upgrading PA schools in the Gaza Strip to serve as Designated Emergency Shelters and as post emergency Collective Centres United Nations Development Programme Shelter/NFIs 573,294 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115432/5362 Upgrading PA schools in the Gaza Strip to serve as Designated Emergency Shelters and as post-emergency Collective Centres Oxfam Novib Netherlands Shelter/NFIs 1,022,301 0 0
OPT-18/F/115666/5362 Urgent support for the most vulnerable families in Gaza Strip Oxfam Novib Netherlands Food Security Sector 774,589 0 0
OPT-18/S-NF/115856/5834 Vulnerable IDPs have better access to protection and relevant services through emergency preparedness and disaster risk reduction Norwegian Refugee Council Shelter/NFIs 229,700 0 0
OPT-18/CSS/115838/124 WASH Cluster Coordination United Nations Children's Fund Coordination and Support Services 451,734 0 0
OPT-18/E/115758/16863 Winter and summer safe, protective and enabling learning environment to improve accessibility of school and pre-school learning provided to vulnerable 5 to 12 years old girls and boys in the Gaza Strip Save Youth Future Society Education 622,688 0 0
OPT-18/P-HR-RL/116189/12733 Working together for Change: Protecting Women & Girls victims of Sexual & Gender Based Violence (SGBV). and expanding access to Services Culture and Free Thought Association Protection 224,600 0 0

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