Niger Plan de Réponse Humanitaire 2018



Total incoming funding: US$179,539,906
Total original requirements: US$329,483,843
Total current requirements: US$338,303,089
Coverage: 53.1%
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Original requirements US$ Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Abris/NFI 16,631,116 16,631,116 8,357,014 50.2% 0
Coordination and Support Services 3,673,907 3,673,907 2,299,660 62.6% 0
Education 8,060,345 8,060,345 431,782 5.4% 0
Logistique UNHAS 8,217,113 8,217,113 5,036,679 61.3% 0
Multi-Sector for Refugees 32,246,906 32,246,906 7,713,733 23.9% 0
Not reported 0 0 13,474,888 0.0% 0
Nutrition 68,924,216 68,924,216 20,179,188 29.3% 0
Protection 10,101,705 10,101,705 3,425,851 33.9% 0
S/Cluster Protection de l'Enfant 4,883,579 4,883,579 821,769 16.8% 0
S/Cluster VBG 4,980,704 4,980,704 196,443 3.9% 0
Santé 13,127,352 13,127,352 1,168,857 8.9% 0
Sécurité Alimentaire 141,455,294 150,274,540 93,804,572 62.4% 0
Wash 17,181,606 17,181,606 4,298,918 25.0% 0
Multiple Field clusters (shared) 18,330,552

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