Ukraine Humanitarian Response Plan 2019



Total incoming funding: US$85,630,793
Total original requirements: US$161,533,655
Total current requirements: US$164,202,538
Coverage: 52.1%
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Original requirements US$ Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Education 6,518,020 6,518,020 2,391,733 36.7% 0
Food Security and Livelihoods 19,152,098 19,490,580 9,582,777 49.2% 0
Health and Nutrition 17,932,889 17,932,889 5,765,210 32.1% 0
Humanitarian Coordination 4,963,555 5,713,555 4,011,934 70.2% 0
Multipurpose Cash Assistance 6,534,587 6,612,034 1,070,154 16.2% 0
Not reported 0 0 30,803,664 0.0% 0
Protection: Child Protection 6,857,696 6,775,288 2,806,583 41.4% 0
Protection: Gender-based Violence (GBV) 3,183,306 3,183,306 409,804 12.9% 0
Protection: Mine Action 11,224,989 11,567,422 5,092,327 44.0% 0
Protection: Protection 26,339,023 26,449,183 11,587,829 43.8% 0
Shelter / Non-Food Items (NFI) 27,002,790 27,002,790 6,163,535 22.8% 0
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) 31,824,702 32,957,471 4,113,033 12.5% 0
Multiple Field clusters (shared) 1,832,210

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