Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2019



Total incoming funding: US$3,641,245,662
Total original requirements: US$4,192,680,354
Total current requirements: US$4,192,680,354
Coverage: 86.8%
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Coordination and Safety 26,202,000 52,071,583 198.7% 0
Education 105,425,450 42,760,790 40.6% 0
Emergency Telecommunications 5,518,217 2,768,076 50.2% 0
Food Security and Agriculture 2,208,987,410 1,634,045,734 74.0% 0
Health 627,188,615 290,752,416 46.4% 0
Logistics 68,489,933 50,021,145 73.0% 0
Not reported 0 671,571,345 0.0% 0
Nutrition 320,316,606 284,727,390 88.9% 0
Protection 153,037,577 100,171,147 65.5% 0
Rapid Response Mechanism 48,625,261 49,569,753 101.9% 0
Refugee and Migrant Multi-Sector 121,612,945 45,083,165 37.1% 0
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs 221,809,935 75,914,346 34.2% 0
WASH 285,466,405 154,157,902 54.0% 0
Multiple Field clusters (shared) 187,630,870

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