Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2019
You have filtered on a destination object (Field cluster). Please note that filters do not change a boundary, but reduces the result set accordingly. This means that flow funding values in the result set cannot always be simply added together to get the total funding, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as shared flows and internal flows. |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source org. | Destination org. | Description | Field Cluster | Amount (US$) | Funding status | Boundary |
#170431 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Yemen: WASH and Education Support to internally displaced children and families (BMZ-2017-4991 0) |
Education | WASH
$5,687,204 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#179503 |
Education Above All Foundation
CARE Yemen
Boys and girls (ages 5-18/grades 1-12) in 20 vulnerable government schools have improved access to a better quality and equity of education, and female and male youth (ages 18 to 25) are empowered to use their vocational and entrepreneurial skills to derive a sustainable income and contribute to their communities in the conflict-affected areas, Multiyear, 2018-2019, 2019 portion, total award USD572,965 |
$572,965 | Commitment | Incoming |
#189304 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Khadija Foundation for Development
Parameter 1: Provision of Emergency Food assistance and School Supplies and Rehabilitation: An Integrated intervention for the Population in IPC Phase 5 in AlQafr District of Ibb Governorate. Total: US$1,083,217.34 [ Education (49.54%), Food Security and Agriculture (50.46%)] |
$536,626 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189388 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Building foundation for Development
Emergency integrated response in 17 priority IDP collective sites in Al Hazm, Al Maton and Khabb wa ash Sha'af districts in Al Jawf governorate (Parameter 2). Total: $1,974,422 [Health (17%), Nutrition (30%), Education (8%), Shelter, NFI and Camp Coordination / Management (45%)] |
$157,953 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189738 |
United Nations Children's Fund
WASH, Health, Nutrition, Education, Protection In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals |
Education | Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$1,862,891 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#189882 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Bena Charity For Human Development
Parameter (1): Quality education for the most affected students in Al Wazi'iyah district and Emergency food assistance for highly vulnerable households in Al Mukha district of Taiz Governorate. Total: $898,325.46 [Education (34%), Food Security and Agriculture (66%)] |
$305,430 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189885 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Soul for Development
Emergency Education & Nutrition Interventions for IDPs Prioritized Collective Sites in Al Ma'afer & Ash Shamayatayn Districts in Taizz Governorate under parameter 2. Total: $551,607 [Education (95.4%), Nutrition (4.6%)] |
$526,233 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189893 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
War Child
Improving access to quality accredited formal education for most vulnerable children in At-Taiziyah, Taiz (Parameter 1). |
$364,784 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189895 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Building foundation for Development
Integrated WASH and Education response for IDPs settlements in Mustaba, Khayran Al Muharraq districts (Hajjah Gov.) and Harib Al Qaramish, Marib City (Marib Gov.). -Parameter 2 and 3. Total: $1,907,512 [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (80%), Education (20%)] |
$381,502 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189896 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Abyan Youth Foundation
Reaching All Children with Education (RACE): Providing educational support to the most vulnerable children and at high risk of famine in Zinjibar and Khanfar districts (IPC 5), Abyan governorate (Parameter 1). |
$420,689 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189898 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Nahda Makers Organization
Parameter 1: Education System Support in Dar Sa'ad district - Aden Governorate. |
$533,879 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189908 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
War Child
Improving access to quality accredited formal education for most vulnerable children and providing critical child protection services in collective sites in Taiz and Ibb governorates (Paramater 2). Total: $911,505 [Education (50%), Protection (50%)] |
$455,752 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189978 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Norwegian Refugee Council
Integrated WASH and Education assistance to populations facing catastrophic humanitarian conditions in Taiz governorate. Parameter 1. Total: $1,072,328 [ Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (69%), Education (31%)] |
$332,422 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#190849 |
World Food Programme
Education |
$920,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#191368 |
Save the Children
Bridging Children Affected by Conflict to Public Schools in Yemen |
$202,824 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#191662 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
CARE International
Parameter 1: Integrated WASH, FSL, and Education Program in Abyan (Sarar), Aden (Dar Saad), Lahj (Al-Musaymir), Al Dhale'e (Al-Azariq), Taizz (Maqbanah), Hajjah (Bani Qais), Al Mahwit (Milhan), and Amran (Al-Ashah, Suwayr, and Masawr) |
$1,386,918 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#193225 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Improving Access to Quality Education for Conflict-Affected Children in Yemen (ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91026) |
$172,414 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#193226 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Improving Access to Quality Education for Conflict-Affected Children in Yemen (ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91026) |
$961,320 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#193534 |
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for Cross Sectoral Activities - Yemen - Education (SM1899100033) |
$66,732 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193546 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
Education |
$5,883,688 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193553 |
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Yemen - Education (SM1899100042) |
$159,686 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193565 |
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Yemen - Education |
$3,800 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193577 |
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for Cross Sectoral Activities - Yemen - Education (SM1899100012) |
$22,800 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193586 |
UNICEF National Committee/Australia
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Yemen - Education (SM1899100472) |
$47,499 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193593 |
UNICEF National Committee/Sweden
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Yemen - Education (SM1899100340) |
$44,808 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193602 |
UNICEF National Committee/Poland
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for Cross Sectoral Activities - Yemen - Education (SM1899100494) |
$28,405 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193642 |
UNICEF National Committee/Japan
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Cross Sectoral -Yemen - Education (SM1899100463) |
$8,763 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193656 |
UNICEF National Committee/New Zealand
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Yemen - Education (SM1899100147) |
$15,221 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193663 |
UNICEF National Committee/Iceland
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for Cross Sectoral Activities - Yemen - Education (SM1899100499) |
$8,060 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193670 |
UNICEF National Committee/Portugal
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Yemen - Education (SM1899100229) |
$12,456 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#194569 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
In-Kind: Provision of 12 school buses to schools in Al Mahrah Governorate |
$453,600 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#194570 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
In-Kind: Provision 6,000 of tables and chairs to Schools in Al Mahrah Governorate |
$378,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#196989 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Establishing a school with its facilities in Al-Jamaa District, Al Mahrah Governorate |
$588,432 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#196990 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Establishing a school with its facilities in Haswayn city, Al Mahrah Governorate |
$804,830 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#196992 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Establishing a school with its facilities in Al Masilah District, Al Mahrah Governorate |
$812,839 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#197025 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Education (SM190298) |
$28,795 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#197027 |
United Nations Children's Fund
C4D (SM190298) |
$28,795 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#197337 |
World Food Programme
RRM in Yemen 2019 (USAID/FFP) |
$4,999,940 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#198172 |
United Nations Children's Fund
High-Level Pledging Event in Geneva for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen April 2018 - Flexible funding for support UNICEF's humanitarian relief efforts in Yemen (SM190413) |
Education | Nutrition | WASH
$20,000,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#198182 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Construction of a school at Al Ghaydah Town in Al Mahrah Governorate |
$599,906 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#198183 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Construction of a school at Qishn Town in Al Mahrah Governorate |
$608,038 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#198184 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Construction of a school at Hawf Town in Al Mahrah Governorate |
$804,830 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#198185 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Construction of a school at Sayhut Town in Al Mahrah Governorate |
$703,439 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#198186 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Construction of a school at Nishtunt Town in Al Mahrah Governorate |
$628,407 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#200387 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
Provision of 2 school buses to schools in Marib Governorate |
$151,200 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#200642 |
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Project of National Capacity Building on Alternative Education Pathways for Out of school Children and Children At Risk in Yemen |
$804,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#201703 |
The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen
In-Kind: Provision of 2 school buses to schools in Socotra Island |
$75,600 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#201705 |
Yemeni Development Network for NGOs
In-Kind: Project of school bags in yemen 2019-2020 |
$400,203 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#201948 |
UNICEF National Committee/Spain
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for Cross Sectoral Activities - Yemen (SM1899100138) |
$28,811 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#202329 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
World Food Programme
School feeding |
$18,431 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |