Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2019



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Displaying 1 - 50 of 144
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
International Rescue Committee
Humanitarian assistance to affected population for the Yemen HRP 2019
Health | Protection
$1,196,687 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Rescue Committee
Integrated health, WASH, nutrition and protection in Sa-na’a, Amanat Al Asimah and Hodeidah; 2018: 919.965,99 € 2019: 1.842.000,02 € (2019 portion)
Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$2,182,464 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Humanitarian assistance for vulnerable migrants in Yemen; 2017:1.000.000 €, Top up financial year 2017: 4.800.000,00 € 2018: 1.000.000,00 € top up financial year 2018: 1.000.000,00 € 2019: 1.500.000,00 € (2019 portion)
Food Security and Agriculture | Health | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,679,731 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Providing Integrated Lifesaving Reproductive Health and Nutrition Services to Under-served Communities Affected by the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91012)
$5,479,452 Paid Contribution Incoming
Qatar Red Crescent Society
Support and Rehabilitation of Khalifa Hospital from Qatar Fund for Development, Multiyear 2018-2020, 2019 portion, total amount USD 720,000.
$720,000 Commitment Incoming
Qatar Red Crescent Society
Provision and strengthening of comprehensive primary healthcare services and treatment of Malnutrition in Taizz, Sanaa and Hodeida Governorates from Qatar Fund for Development, Multiyear 2018-2020, 2019 portion, total amount USD 1,080,000.
$1,080,000 Commitment Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Improving access to health services and protecting the people most affected by the crisis; (2019 portion)
Health | Protection
$1,271,236 Commitment Incoming
Taybah Foundation Development
Equipping and operating Al-Jarmah health center in Hajjah province
$1,280,690 Paid Contribution Incoming
Al-basar International Foundation
Equipping and operating a specialized medical center for eyes treatmnent in Marib province
$2,977,777 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Abs Development for Women and Children
Integrated food, & health, assistance for people in priority IDPs hosting sites- Abs district- Hajjah Governorat- Parameter 2. Total: US$954,004 [ Food Security and Agriculture (70%), Health (30%)]
$286,201 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Abs Development for Women and Children
Expanding High Impact Health Program in Midi and Hayran districts of Hajja Governorate, Parameter 1.
$367,342 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Building foundation for Development
Integrated Health, Nutrition and Wash Project in worst affected areas in At Tuhayta, Ad Duraihimi and Al Hali districts of Al Hodeidah Gov. (Parameter 1). Total: $1,655,613 [Health (70%), Nutrition (10%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (20%)]
$1,158,929 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Charitable Society for Social Welfare
Parameter 1: High impact health response in Abyan ( Khanfir & Sarar districts) and Lahj ( Almusaimir district).
$899,977 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Qatar Red Crescent Society
Health care Services (MSP ) for vulnerable people and IDPs in Al-Mina district of Al-Hudaydah governorate and in Ash Shamayatayn , and Al Ma'afer districts of Taiz governorate (Parameters 1,2).
$1,274,521 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response
Integrated Emergency Response to the Vulnerable IDPs at Spontaneous Settlements in Khayran Al Muharraq and Mustaba Districts, Hajjah Governorate (parameter 2). Total: $1,606,738 [ Food Security and Agriculture (62%), Health (14%), Nutrition (5%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (19%)]
$224,943 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Building foundation for Development
Emergency integrated response in 17 priority IDP collective sites in Al Hazm, Al Maton and Khabb wa ash Sha'af districts in Al Jawf governorate (Parameter 2). Total: $1,974,422 [Health (17%), Nutrition (30%), Education (8%), Shelter, NFI and Camp Coordination / Management (45%)]
$335,651 Paid Contribution Internal
United Nations Children's Fund
WASH, Health, Nutrition, Education, Protection In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals
Education | Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$1,862,891 Paid Contribution Incoming
Médecins du Monde
To contribute in reducing the morbidity and the mortality of the population affected by the Yemeni crisis.
$3,424,658 Commitment Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemeni Development Network for NGOs
Integrated Health, Nutrition and WaSH project in Milhan district of Al Mahwait Governorate and Maswar district of Amran governorate (P1 & P2) 1st SA 2019. Total: $1,190,605 [ Health (53%), Nutrition (32%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (15%)]
$631,021 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Family Care Association
Parameter 1: Provision of integrated emergency lifesaving WASH and Health interventions to the most vulnerable people in Al Abr district of Hadhramout Governorate and Qa'atabah & Al Azariq districts of Al Dhale'e Governorate. Total: $2,260,125 [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (40%), Health (60%)]
$1,356,075 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
United Nations Population Fund
Providing the Minimum Initial Service Package for RH for Communities with High Food Insecurity Levels in Yemen (IPC 4 and above) - parameter 1 of the 1st SA.
$2,192,478 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Al-Atta for Relief and Development
integrated (parameter 1&2) Health and WASH response of Al-Bayda and Sana'a governorates to expand high impact programs for populations experiencing catastrophic conditions classified (IPC Phase 5) in 3 districts (Maswarah-As Sawmaah) and Hamdan Dharwan IDPs collective site. Total: $1,496,166 [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (50%), Health (50%)]
$748,083 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
International Youth Council - Yemen
IYCY Integrated emergency life-saving interventions with Nutrition, Health , WASH under the parameter 1 for most vulnerable affected populations group with high risk of famine and with high SAM prevalence in Maqbanah, and Mawza districts in Taizz. Total: $772,519 [Health (45%), Nutrition (35%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (20%)]
$347,633 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Sustainable Development Foundation
Provision of Basic Health Services under Parameter 1 in the Most Priority Districts (Aslem, Bakil Al Mir, Khayran Al Muharraq and Mustaba districts) of Hajjah Governorate.
$1,400,061 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
World Health Organization
Sustaining the provision of life-saving healthcare services(under parameter 1) through fixed health facilities and mobile teams in selected districts.
$5,300,746 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Tamdeen Youth Foundation
"Integrated Famine Risk Reduction Intervention of Health, Nutrition and WASH in Al Mukha, Dhubab Districts of Taizz Governorate & Al Hawak District of Al Hudaydah Governorates ( Parameter 1). Total: $958,286 [Nutrition (32%), Health (56%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (12%)]
$536,640 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Emergency parameter 1 High Impact Health Response for highly vulnerable communities at risk of famine in Al Ashah Districts in Amran Governorate, Yemen through activating its rural hospital.
$996,557 Paid Contribution Internal
CARE International
In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals: WASH, Health, Livelihoods (P006073)
Health | WASH
$911,854 Commitment Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals: Nutrition, Health (P006142)
Health | Nutrition
$1,139,818 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals: WASH, Health, Nutrition (P007431)
Health | Nutrition | WASH
$2,279,635 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Provision of medicines to combat cholera ( part of Al imdad UAE/KSA initiative)
$10,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Integrated Lifesaving Health, Nutrition and child protection interventions for IDP and host community in Bani Qais and Ash Shaghadirah District districts in Hajjah governorate of Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2019/91005)
Health | Nutrition | Protection
$2,229,654 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
United Nations Population Fund
Provision of Reproductive Maternal and Newborn Health Supplies to Support the Yemen Humanitarian Response
$5,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Providing Integrated Lifesaving Reproductive Health and Nutrition Services to Under-served Communities Affected by the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91012)
$1,369,863 Commitment Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
International Organization for Migration
Provision of comprehensive health assistance to displaced and vulnerable communities in Ibb, Marib and Dhamar Governorates (Parameter 2)
$1,500,000 Paid Contribution Internal
International Organization for Migration
Emergency health assistance to Yemeni populations
$2,580,357 Paid Contribution Incoming
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
International Organization for Migration
The Global Fund,Fight AIDS,TB & Malaria: Middle East Response
$22,302,235 Paid Contribution Incoming
Médecins du Monde
Emergency medical aid for conflict-affected host communities and internally displaced persons in Yemen
Health | Protection
$3,568,182 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Integrated nutrition, health and WASH measures for conflict-affected children and families (2019 portion)
Food Security and Agriculture | Health | Nutrition | WASH
$624,207 Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Sustaining and enhancing life-saving response to conflict affected communities
$160,714 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Health Organization
WHO to support its health systems development activities in Yemen
$500,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Emergency cholera rapid response for the affected populations in Sana'a and Taiz governorate
$717,849 Paid Contribution Internal
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
World Health Organization
Scale-up cholera outbreak response in priority districts
$9,985,819 Paid Contribution Internal
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Comprehensive response to improve protection and access to health services for vulnerable persons affected by the conflict in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2019/91002)
Health | Protection
$5,611,672 Commitment Incoming
King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center
Bin Zeela Modern Hospital - Provision of medical treatment, health care and medication for 200 wounded Yemeni people in Marib,Seiyun, Al Jawf, Shabwah
$776,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center
Yemeni Ministry of Public Health and Population and Al Brayhi hospital. Provision of medical treatment, health care and medication for wounded Yemeni people in Aden, Ad Dali, Taiz, Al Hudaydah
$1,483,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Yemen - Health
$3,800 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Private donation from Lebanon
Health | Nutrition
$11,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Yemen HAC - thematic humanitarian funding - Health (SM1899100486)
$695,931 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for Cross Sectoral Activities - Yemen - Health (SM1899100033)
$66,732 Paid Contribution Incoming

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