Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2019



You have filtered on a destination object (Field cluster). Please note that filters do not change a boundary, but reduces the result set accordingly. This means that flow funding values in the result set cannot always be simply added together to get the total funding, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as shared flows and internal flows.
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
World Food Programme
Provision of humanitarian air and sea passenger services in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91022)
$4,550,626 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Expansion of common services to enable the scale-up of the humanitarian community in Yemen (part of 19-RR-WFP-003) Logistics and UNHAS
$28,897,976 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Logistics (USAID/OFDA)
$10,117,500 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
WFP - UNHAS: Annual Humanitarian Allocations - WFP Country Support:Logistics, Support Services (P007070)
$759,878 Paid Contribution Incoming
Logistics Support and Relief Commodities,Shelter and Settlements (USAID/OFDA)
Logistics | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$3,500,000 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Provision of humanitarian air and sea passenger services in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91022)
$3,311,947 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
Kuwait Red Crescent - Operational costs for relief items distribution and transportation charge for delivering food stuff through A Humanitarian Response Network
$49,879 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
Kuwait Red Crescent -operational costs for distribution of food baskets for affected people through A Humanitarian Response Network
$28,427 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
SAU King Salman Hum Aid & Relief Center GSAU07- JIP Fund for IDP YEM
$65,271 Paid Contribution Incoming
Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity Society
Humanitarian Assistance (9 contributions) through NGOs
Food Security and Agriculture | Logistics | Nutrition
$218,637 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Office for Project Services
The aim of the project is to strengthen the resilience of health facilities and the population in the project area by stabilizing and improving access to and use of public health facilities (BMZ) (2019 portion)
$2,239,641 Commitment Incoming
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