Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2019
You have filtered on a destination object (Field cluster). Please note that filters do not change a boundary, but reduces the result set accordingly. This means that flow funding values in the result set cannot always be simply added together to get the total funding, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as shared flows and internal flows. |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source org. | Destination org. | Description | Field Cluster | Amount (US$) | Funding status | Boundary |
#184462 |
International Organization for Migration
Humanitarian assistance for vulnerable migrants in Yemen; 2017:1.000.000 €, Top up financial year 2017: 4.800.000,00 € 2018: 1.000.000,00 € top up financial year 2018: 1.000.000,00 € 2019: 1.500.000,00 € (2019 portion) |
Food Security and Agriculture | Health | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,679,731 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#185581 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Provision of protection services and assistance for persons internally displaced by conflict and refugees in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91016) from 2018 to 2019 |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$3,189,691 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#187080 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Distribution of Shelters, NFIs Yemen HRP 2019 |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,247,664 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#187614 |
Benevolence Coalition For Humanitarian Relief
In-Kind: Provision of Non-food and shelter assistance to Yemenis IDPs |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,118,933 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#189303 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Provision of life-saving humanitarian assistance and protection services for internally displaced Yemenis in Amran, Hajjah and Aden Governorates (Parameter 2). Total: US$3,192,175 [Protection (29%), Shelter, NFI and Camp Coordination / Management (71%)] |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$2,266,444 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189390 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Building foundation for Development
Emergency integrated response in 17 priority IDP collective sites in Al Hazm, Al Maton and Khabb wa ash Sha'af districts in Al Jawf governorate (Parameter 2). Total: $1,974,422 [Health (17%), Nutrition (30%), Education (8%), Shelter, NFI and Camp Coordination / Management (45%)] |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$888,490 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189878 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
International Organization for Migration
Scaling up Site Management, Shelter and NFI Assistance in Priority IDP Collective Sites in Taizz and Ibb governorates (Parameter 2). |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$801,344 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189912 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Sama Al-Yemen Development Foundation
Parameter 2 : Integrated response for IDPs in hosting sites in Maib , Dhamer , and Sana'a Governorate. Total: $855,309 [Shelter, NFI and Camp Coordination / Management (45%), Food Security and Agriculture (5%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (15%), Protection (35%)] |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$384,889 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189918 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Generations without Qat
SMC and Shelter Upgrade for IDPs in Hosting Sites in Al Mukha District, Governorate of Taiz - Parameter 2. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$243,293 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189945 |
Danish Refugee Council
Improving living conditions within IDP hosting sites in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91023) |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$6,453,423 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#193414 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
SAU King Salman Hum Aid & Relief Center GSAU07- JIP Fund for IDP YEM |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,022,580 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#193416 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Private donation from Qatar and Egypt |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,835,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193421 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- Various programmes: Yemen HRP 2019 GESP41 - IDPs in Yemen |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$385,513 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#195449 |
International Organization for Migration
Emergency Relief and Assistance to Conflict Affected Populations in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2019/91010) |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$5,574,136 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#195984 |
Benevolence Coalition For Humanitarian Relief
In-Kind: Provision and Distribution of Food, Non-food and Shelter Items in Sa’ada (Phase I) |
Food Security and Agriculture | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$4,394,880 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#198238 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
QC - Shelter for IDP returnees in Yemen |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,335,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#198290 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protective and relief measures for internally displaced persons and refugees affected by the crisis in Yemen (2019 portion) |
Protection | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$15,384,615 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#198639 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Assessment, procurement and distribution of NFI kits in Hudaydah, Hajjah, and Sa'ada for 12,000 highly vulnerable IDP households |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$2,991,057 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#199134 |
Danish Refugee Council
Improving living conditions within IDP hosting sites in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2018/91023) |
Coordination and Safety | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$3,367,003 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#199235 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Multiple Private Donors |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$15,836,853 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#199789 | Logistics Support and Relief Commodities,Shelter and Settlements (USAID/OFDA) |
Logistics | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$3,500,000 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#203063 |
International Organization for Migration
Emergency Relief and Assistance to Conflict Affected Populations in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2019/91010) |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$5,764 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#203924 |
International Organization for Migration
Emergency Relief and Assistance to Conflict Affected Populations in Yemen (part of ECHO/YEM/BUD/2019/91010) |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,164,994 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#204853 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Bena Charity For Human Development
Supporting the most vulnerable IDPs with life-saving rental assistance and NFIs, and SMC in hosting sites in Al Mudhaffar, Salh and Al- Qahirah Districts - Taizz Governorate |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$775,354 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204854 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Bena Charity For Human Development
Supporting the most vulnerable IDPs with life-saving rental assistance and NFIs, and SMC in hosting sites in Al Mudhaffar, Salh and Al- Qahirah Districts - Taizz Governorate |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$99,763 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204857 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Charitable Society for Social Welfare
Provision of first-line shelter responses for the most vulnerable IDPs and host communities within Marib and Hadramout governorates |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$558,684 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204860 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Danish Refugee Council
Improving living conditions for displaced persons and conflict affected population through the provision of site management and coordination, dignified shelter and emergency shelter and household items n Sada'a, Taizz, Aden, AlDhalee, Shabwah, Lahj, Al Hudaydah as well as WASH assistance in Amanat Al-Asimah, Hajjah Governorates |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$3,248,335 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204863 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Generations without Qat
Site Management and Coordination to Ensure Basic Service Provision for IDPs in Hosting Sites in Al Mukha District, Governorate of Taiz – Line 1 |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$251,659 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204872 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
International Youth Council - Yemen
Integrated Shelter, NFI and CCCM Assistance for the most vulnerable IDPs and host communities in Maqbanah and Al Mawasit in Taizz governorate. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$303,478 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204873 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
International Youth Council - Yemen
Integrated Shelter, NFI and CCCM Assistance for the most vulnerable IDPs and host communities in Maqbanah and Al Mawasit in Taizz governorate. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$708,116 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204888 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response
Support Site Management through Capacity-Building activities and minor maintenance for IDPs in AsSafra and Sahar districts - Sa`aada Governorate |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$500,006 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204902 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Norwegian Refugee Council
"Integrated Education, Shelter, CCCM and WASH support to conflict affected populalion in Amran, Amanat Al Asimah, Hajjah, Taizz and Al Dhale'e governorates. " |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$2,995,437 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204905 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Norwegian Refugee Council
"Integrated Education, Shelter, CCCM and WASH support to conflict affected populalion in Amran, Amanat Al Asimah, Hajjah, Taizz and Al Dhale'e governorates. " |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$678,212 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204911 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Qatar Red Crescent Society
Provision Shelter and NFIs for the most vulnerable IDPs in (Al Hashwah, Razih) in Sa'adah Governorate, (Dhi As Sufal, Al Uden) Ibb governorate, and (At Ta’izyah, Maqbanah) Taizz Governorate. |
Food Security and Agriculture | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$2,133,482 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204924 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Sustainable Development Foundation
Emergency Shelter and NFIs Response to the Vulnerable People in Hajjah Governorate (Aslem, Bani Qais and Hajjah City Districts). |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$803,484 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204925 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Tamdeen Youth Foundation
Emergency Response of Basic Health Services in Maqbanah, and Mawiyah Districts, and Shelter/NFIs and CCCM Assistance in At Ta'iziyah, and Dimnat Khadir Districts to the most vulnerable population of IDPs and Host Community of Taiz Governorate. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$968,792 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204926 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Addressing the essential Shelter/NFI, CCCM, and Protection needs of IDPs and Extremely Vulnerable Host Communities in Yemen in 2020 |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$3,560,454 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204928 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Addressing the essential Shelter/NFI, CCCM, and Protection needs of IDPs and Extremely Vulnerable Host Communities in Yemen in 2020 |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$965,546 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204936 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Family Care Association
Lifesaving WASH, Shelter and CCCM Interventions for Conflict-Affected Population in Al-Jawf and Dhamar Governorates, Yemen”. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$100,716 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204937 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Family Care Association
Lifesaving WASH, Shelter and CCCM Interventions for Conflict-Affected Population in Al-Jawf and Dhamar Governorates, Yemen”. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$178,190 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204940 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemeni Development Network for NGOs
Shelter and WASH Project in Al Udayn, Mudhikhera and Jiblah Districts, Ibb Governorate |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$430,035 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204944 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Women Union
Improving camp coordination and management of 5 IDPs hosting sites in Al-Dhahar district of Ibb governorate and Mawiyah and Samae districts of Taiz governorate. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$249,807 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204946 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen General Union of Sociologists, Social Workers and Psychologists
Improve living conditions by provision of NFIs, Emergency Shelter, Rental Subsidies for the most vulnerable people in Hamdan & Bani Hushaysh of Sana'a governorate. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$1,165,271 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204953 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Alkhair For Relief and Development Foundation
Lifesaving WASH, Shelter and CCCM Interventions for Conflict-Affected Population in Al-Jawf and Dhamar Governorates, Yemen”. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$100,716 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204954 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Alkhair For Relief and Development Foundation
Lifesaving WASH, Shelter and CCCM Interventions for Conflict-Affected Population in Al-Jawf and Dhamar Governorates, Yemen”. |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$178,190 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204966 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Al-Twasul For Human Development
NFIs Support for Displaced and Vulnerable Families in Abayn Governorate(Khanfir district) |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$713,615 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204967 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Al-Aman Organization for Blind Women Care
First line response,support and access to most vulnerable IDPs and host community through immediate provision of shelter NFIs/Cash for rent/and CCCM activities in Dhi-Sufal district,Ibb governorate and Almaafer ,Dhubab district,Taiz governorate |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$599,938 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204968 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Al-Aman Organization for Blind Women Care
First line response,support and access to most vulnerable IDPs and host community through immediate provision of shelter NFIs/Cash for rent/and CCCM activities in Dhi-Sufal district,Ibb governorate and Almaafer ,Dhubab district,Taiz governorate |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$97,664 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#204970 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Al-Aman Organization for Blind Women Care
Improving quality of life for populations living within collective sites in Qa'atabah, Al Dhale’e |
Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$494,618 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#205663 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
In-Kind: Kuwait Red Crescent -a variety of relief materials as follows (clothes, Shoes, dates & Rice) through A Humanitarian Response Network |
Food Security and Agriculture | Shelter / CCCM / NFIs
$21,455 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |