Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2019
You have filtered on a destination object (Field cluster). Please note that filters do not change a boundary, but reduces the result set accordingly. This means that flow funding values in the result set cannot always be simply added together to get the total funding, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as shared flows and internal flows. |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source org. | Destination org. | Description | Field Cluster | Amount (US$) | Funding status | Boundary |
#168632 |
Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Response in Sa'ada Yemen, Multiyear 2017 -2020, total amount CHF 1,076,486 (7F-09798.01) |
$282,922 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#170431 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Yemen: WASH and Education Support to internally displaced children and families (BMZ-2017-4991 0) |
Education | WASH
$5,687,204 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#170769 |
International Rescue Committee
Emergency response cholera, improved access to WASH. |
$398,773 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#177535 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
"Responding to the WASH needs through a community based approach in Hajjah and Dhamar" |
$351,053 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#180605 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Wash / Cholera Response for Conflict Affected People in Yemen, Multiyear 2018-2020, 2019 portion, total amount CHF605,000 (7F-10070.01) |
$608,652 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#183681 |
International Rescue Committee
Integrated health, WASH, nutrition and protection in Sa-na’a, Amanat Al Asimah and Hodeidah; 2018: 919.965,99 € 2019: 1.842.000,02 € (2019 portion) |
Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$2,182,464 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#188118 |
United Nations Children's Fund
YEMEN: Implementation programme for integrated response to emergency intervention (SM180256) |
$3,201,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#188119 |
United Nations Children's Fund
YEMEN: Implementation programme for integrated response to emergency intervention (SM180256) |
$8,002,500 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#188128 |
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Cross Sectoral - Yemen - WASH |
$4,750 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#188753 |
Taybah Foundation Development
Provision of water supplies and sanitation to Yemeni IDPs in Al Hudaydah province |
$241,450 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#188754 |
Benevolence Coalition For Humanitarian Relief
Provision of water supplies and sanitation to Yemeni IDPs in Hajja province |
$325,600 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#189308 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Abs Development for Women and Children
Emergency WASH Response for the New IDPs in Abs District, Hajja Governorate, Parameter 3. |
$477,971 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189358 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
All Girls Foundation for Development
Basic WASH Services under Third Parameter for IDPs in New Displacement Sites in Al Zaidyiah and Al Munirah Districts in Al Hodeidah Governorate. |
$1,199,231 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189363 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Building foundation for Development
Integrated Health, Nutrition and Wash Project in worst affected areas in At Tuhayta, Ad Duraihimi and Al Hali districts of Al Hodeidah Gov. (Parameter 1). Total: $1,655,613 [Health (70%), Nutrition (10%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (20%)] |
$331,123 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189377 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response
WASH Interventions for SAM HHs & those at risk of famine in As-Sawma'ah & Wald Rabi' Districts in Al-Bayda Governorate (Parameter 1). |
$664,752 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189382 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response
Integrated Emergency Response to the Vulnerable IDPs at Spontaneous Settlements in Khayran Al Muharraq and Mustaba Districts, Hajjah Governorate (parameter 2). Total: $1,606,738 [ Food Security and Agriculture (62%), Health (14%), Nutrition (5%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (19%)] |
$305,280 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189393 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Mayar Foundation for Development
Wish for WASH (W4W): Emergency Response for the most vulnerable populations of Musaimeer district, Lahj governorate (IPC 5) (parameter 1) |
$174,017 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189738 |
United Nations Children's Fund
WASH, Health, Nutrition, Education, Protection In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals |
Education | Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$1,862,891 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#189879 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Solidarités International
Emergency WASH assistance for vulnerable people affected by the crisis in Yemen in Mawza (Taizz governorate), Al Tuyatah and Ad Durrayhimi (Al-Hudaydah Governorate) districts (parameters 1 and 3). |
$1,254,995 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189894 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Building foundation for Development
Integrated WASH and Education response for IDPs settlements in Mustaba, Khayran Al Muharraq districts (Hajjah Gov.) and Harib Al Qaramish, Marib City (Marib Gov.). -Parameter 2 and 3. Total: $1,907,512 [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (80%), Education (20%)] |
$1,526,010 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189897 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Famine WASH Response in Aslem, Hajjah (parameter 1). |
$325,805 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189901 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemeni Development Network for NGOs
Integrated Health, Nutrition and WaSH project in Milhan district of Al Mahwait Governorate and Maswar district of Amran governorate (P1 & P2) 1st SA 2019. Total: $1,190,605 [ Health (53%), Nutrition (32%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (15%)] |
$178,591 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189902 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Nahda Makers Organization
Parameter 1: Integrated WASH and Food Security Response in Khanfar district - Abyan Governorate. Total: $1,086,264 [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (45%), Food Security and Agriculture (55%)] |
$488,819 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189904 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Family Care Association
Parameter 1: Provision of integrated emergency lifesaving WASH and Health interventions to the most vulnerable people in Al Abr district of Hadhramout Governorate and Qa'atabah & Al Azariq districts of Al Dhale'e Governorate. Total: $2,260,125 [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (40%), Health (60%)] |
$904,050 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189910 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Al-Atta for Relief and Development
integrated (parameter 1&2) Health and WASH response of Al-Bayda and Sana'a governorates to expand high impact programs for populations experiencing catastrophic conditions classified (IPC Phase 5) in 3 districts (Maswarah-As Sawmaah) and Hamdan Dharwan IDPs collective site. Total: $1,496,166 [Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (50%), Health (50%)] |
$748,083 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189914 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Sama Al-Yemen Development Foundation
Parameter 2 : Integrated response for IDPs in hosting sites in Maib , Dhamer , and Sana'a Governorate. Total: $855,309 [Shelter, NFI and Camp Coordination / Management (45%), Food Security and Agriculture (5%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (15%), Protection (35%)] |
$128,296 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189917 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Soul for Development
WaSH intervention targeting the at Famine Risk Community in Maqbanah - Taizz Gov - (Parameter-1). |
$646,956 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189922 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
International Youth Council - Yemen
IYCY Integrated emergency life-saving interventions with Nutrition, Health , WASH under the parameter 1 for most vulnerable affected populations group with high risk of famine and with high SAM prevalence in Maqbanah, and Mawza districts in Taizz. Total: $772,519 [Health (45%), Nutrition (35%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (20%)] |
$154,504 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189977 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Norwegian Refugee Council
Integrated WASH and Education assistance to populations facing catastrophic humanitarian conditions in Taiz governorate. Parameter 1. Total: $1,072,328 [ Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (69%), Education (31%)] |
$739,906 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189983 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Norwegian Refugee Council
First Line Emergency Assistance to families affected by new displacements in Abs district in Hajjah , Kharif district in Amran , Bani Al Harith and Ma'ain districts Amanat Al-Asimah and Al Mukha district in Taiz under parameter 3.. |
$1,818,564 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189986 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Tamdeen Youth Foundation
"Integrated Famine Risk Reduction Intervention of Health, Nutrition and WASH in Al Mukha, Dhubab Districts of Taizz Governorate & Al Hawak District of Al Hudaydah Governorates ( Parameter 1). Total: $958,286 [Nutrition (32%), Health (56%), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (12%)] |
$114,994 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#189987 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Al-Atta for Relief and Development
WASH emergency response (parameter2) to scaling up assistance for the 17 IDPs collective sites in three districts (Khab Al-Sha'f - Al-Moton - Al-Hazam) of Al-Jawaf governorate. |
$460,118 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#190276 |
CARE International
In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals: WASH, Health, Livelihoods (P006073) |
Health | WASH
$911,854 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#190277 |
Islamic Relief Worldwide
In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals: WASH, Livelihoods (P006141) |
$1,139,818 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#190278 |
Mercy Corps
In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals: WASH, Livelihoods (P006143) |
$1,899,696 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#190280 |
Action Against Hunger - Canada
In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals: WASH, Livelihoods (P007430) |
$1,139,818 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#190281 |
Save the Children
In response to 2019 humanitarian appeals: WASH, Health, Nutrition (P007431) |
Health | Nutrition | WASH
$2,279,635 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#191336 |
Save the Children
Integrated nutrition, health and WASH measures for conflict-affected children and families (2019 portion) |
Food Security and Agriculture | Health | Nutrition | WASH
$624,207 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#191458 |
CARE Germany-Luxembourg eV
Improvement of access to community infrastructure and coverage of humanitarian need through cash transfers; |
Food Security and Agriculture | WASH
$833,293 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#191643 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
CARE International
Emergency cholera reponse in Ash Shaikh Outhman and Dar Sad Districts (Aden Governorate) and Jabal Iyal Yazid District (Amran Governorate) |
$925,516 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#191651 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
Emergency AWD/Suspected Cholera WASH Response to the most affected children and women in the 38 priority districts. |
$8,560,149 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#191660 |
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
CARE International
Parameter 1: Integrated WASH, FSL, and Education Program in Abyan (Sarar), Aden (Dar Saad), Lahj (Al-Musaymir), Al Dhale'e (Al-Azariq), Taizz (Maqbanah), Hajjah (Bani Qais), Al Mahwit (Milhan), and Amran (Al-Ashah, Suwayr, and Masawr) |
$2,773,836 | Paid Contribution | Internal |
#191960 |
WASH crisis response to communities in Al Hudaydah and Hajjah with high caseloads of IDPs, malnutrition and cholera (ECHO/YEM/BUD/2019/91003) |
$1,122,334 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#191964 |
Solidarités International
Lifesaving WASH assistance to populations directly exposed to conflict and displacement in south-western Yemen (ECHO/YEM/BUD/2019/91001) |
$2,244,669 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#191973 |
International Organization for Migration
Lifesaving assistance to Migrants and IDPs |
$2,466,752 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#193010 |
Care Germany
Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene measures, cash assistance for food security and distribution of livestock for vulnerable internally displaced persons and host communities. (2019 portion) |
Food Security and Agriculture | WASH
$2,992 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#193321 |
Oxfam Belgium
Saving lives and alleviating human suffering of conflict affected and vulnerable communities through provision of safe and gender sensitive, integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services in Abs district of Hajjah Governorate (ECHO/YEM/BUD/2019/91006) |
$1,672,241 | Commitment | Incoming | |
#193518 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Yemen HAC - thematic humanitarian funding - WASH (SM1899100486) |
$910,064 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |
#193532 |
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for Cross Sectoral Activities - Yemen - WASH (SM1899100033) |
$83,415 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
#193544 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
$24,988,022 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |