Niger Plan de Réponse Humanitaire 2019



Total incoming funding: US$221,069,099
Total requirements: US$383,101,817
Coverage: 57.7%
Outgoing funding: US$6,818,182
Incoming minus outgoing funding: US$214,250,917
Displaying 101 - 150 of 181
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
World Food Programme
Provision of humanitarian air services in the region (SO 200792) (STATE/PRM)
Logistique UNHAS
$800,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Renforcement de la résilience des populations déplacées par l'instabilité au Nord du Mali et soutien à la coexistence pacifique entre communcautés: Niger
Refugees response
$2,354,665 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
For the Regional Development and Protection Programme for North Africa - RDPP Phase 3 funds
Refugees response
$1,137,657 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Fondazione Milan Onlus / EUR 100,000 - Sport activities for refugees and asylum-seekers evacuated from detention in Lybia to Niger / Agreement - 15 February 2019
Refugees response
$114,155 Paid Contribution Incoming
Première Urgence Internationale
Assistance en soins de santé primaire, de l’alerte à la réponse rapide, pour les personnes affectées par l’insécurité dans la région du Tillabéri
Nutrition | Santé | WASH
$85,227 Commitment Incoming
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Assistance urgente pour les populations vulnérables installées sur le site de Kindjandi, région de Diffa
Refugees response
$340,909 Commitment Incoming
International Rescue Committee
Lutte contre la malnutrition infantile dans la région de Tillabéri, au Niger (ECHO/-WF/BUD/2019/91055)
Nutrition | Santé | WASH
$735,795 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Multi-Sector Assistance, Protection and Assistance (STATE/PRM) Government of the USA - 2nd tranche of 2019 contribution - partially against the HRP - $6,300,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Humanitarian assistance for 3500, crisis - affected households in Diffa department (Diffa and Gueskérou municipalities)
Refugees response
$909,091 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Life-saving food and nutrition assistance to households in Niger affected by crisis and acute shocks and resilience strengthening support through an integrated multi-sector and multi-partner safety net, emergency and disaster risk reduction approach (part of ECHO/-WF/BUD/2019/91047)
Refugees response | Sécurité Alimentaire
$2,581,060 Paid Contribution Incoming
Première Urgence Internationale
Projet d’assistance en soins de santé primaire pour les personnes affectées par l'insécurité et l’état d’urgence dans la région de Tillabéri (ECHO/-WF/BUD/2019/91057)
Nutrition | Santé | WASH
$568,182 Commitment Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Promote, support and facilitate the coordination of humanitarian action in Niger (ECHO/-WF/BUD/2019/91058)
Coordination and Support Services
$334,448 Commitment Incoming
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action)
Humanitarian assistance for 5500, crisis - affected households in Diffa department (Diffa, chetimari, and Gueskérou), Multi-year, 2018-2019 2019 portion, total amount Euro 715,086
Refugees response
$847,258 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Health and food for displaced children. $150,861 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Niger (part of ECHO/-WF/BUD/2019/91061)
Logistique UNHAS
$587,871 Paid Contribution Incoming
To save lives and alleviate suffering
$13,865 Commitment Incoming
Economic Recovery and Market Systems,Agriculture and Food Security (USAID/OFDA)
Sécurité Alimentaire
$861,666 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
In-Kind: Food Security (USAID/FFP) $8,984,767 Commitment Incoming
Food Security (USAID/FFP)
Sécurité Alimentaire
$2,000,000 Commitment Incoming
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Niger/CE-Tillaberi/Tahoua Regions: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,Protection,Shelter and Settlements (USAID/OFDA) $1,684,299 Commitment Incoming
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Niger/CE-Tillaberi/Tahoua Regions: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,Protection,Shelter and Settlements (USAID/OFDA) $2,315,701 Commitment Incoming
Economic Recovery and Market Systems,Shelter and Settlements (USAID/OFDA)
$2,000,000 Commitment Incoming
Health,Protection,Humanitarian Studies, Analysis, or Applications (USAID/OFDA)
$1,000,000 Commitment Incoming
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene,Economic Recovery and Market Systems,Humanitarian Coordination and Info Management,Agriculture and Food Security (USAID/OFDA) $2,007,500 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Contribution to support the 2019 UNHCR programme in Niger based on the project "Protection and Assistance to Nigerian refugees in Maradi region".
Refugees response
$1,069,748 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
NIGER: Humanitarian response in Diffa, Niger (Health& Nutrition, WASH) (SM190377) $427,899 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Sécurité Alimentaire
$19,103,537 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Niger Transitional Interim Country Strategic Plan (USAID/FFP)
$4,424,312 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Food Security (USAID/FFP)
$439,540 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Food Security (USAID/FFP)
$1,232,599 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
In-Kind: Food Security (USAID/FFP)
Refugees response | Sécurité Alimentaire
$4,523,444 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Refugees response | Sécurité Alimentaire
$278,087 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
World Food Programme
Refugees response | Sécurité Alimentaire
$242,410 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
World Food Programme
Refugees response | Sécurité Alimentaire
$177,280 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
USA Population Refugee & Migration 2019 Emergency Reserve Pledge
Refugees response
$1,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
LUX MFA Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid $261,506 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Niger - OCHA Office [OCT 6610];[720FDA19IO00012]
Coordination and Support Services
$400,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Protection and Assistance, Shelter (STATE/PRM)
$1,500,000 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Health, Protection (STATE/PRM)
Refugees response
$226,375 Commitment Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Multiple Private Donors
Refugees response
$202,112 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
USA Population Refugee & Migration 2019 Third Tranche of Annual Contribution $6,300,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
FRA MFA Contribution volontaire Contribution towards UNHCR's voluntary core contribution for the year 2019
Refugees response
$606,060 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
FRA MFA Contribution volontaire Contribution towards UNHCR's voluntary core contribution for the year 2019 $248,580 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
FRA MFA Contribution volontaire Contribution towards UNHCR's various programmes in 2019
Refugees response
$333,333 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
FRA MFA Contribution volontaire Contribution towards UNHCR's voluntary core contribution for the year 2019
Refugees response
$248,580 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Refugees response
$35,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Niger/CE-Tillaberi/Tahoua Regions: Humanitarian Coordination and Info Management (USAID/OFDA) $333,334 Commitment Incoming
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
Niger/CE-Tillaberi/Tahoua Regions: Health,Protection (USAID/OFDA)
Protection de L'Enfant
$2,000,000 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Assistance humanitaire en abris et biens non-alimentaires pour les réfugiés nigérians et la population hôte nigérienne à Maradi au Niger
$680,624 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
Mise en oeuvre des interventions de lutte contre les violences basées sur le genre (VBG) pour sauver les populations dans la situation d’urgence liée à l’arrivée des réfugiés nigérians à Maradi
$400,000 Paid Contribution Incoming

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