Zimbabwe Flash Appeal 2019



Total incoming funding: US$246,252,493
Total original requirements: US$293,932,789
Total current requirements: US$467,934,732
Coverage: 52.6%
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Original requirements US$ Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Agriculture 17,013,151 48,929,234 12,086,192 24.7% 0
Camp Coordination and Camp Management 500,000 0 202,901 0.0% 0
Child protection sub-sector 5,197,350 7,200,160 1,698,009 23.6% 0
Coordination and common services 700,000 3,365,000 250,000 7.4% 0
Early Recovery 24,969,357 2,462,200 7,156,903 290.7% 0
Education 14,286,006 7,716,000 4,026,448 52.2% 0
Food Security 145,079,600 319,923,331 176,927,130 55.3% 0
Health 40,502,814 16,935,000 1,430,259 8.4% 0
Logistics 2,000,000 781,854 781,854 100.0% 0
Not reported 0 0 18,326,567 0.0% 0
Nutrition 13,030,593 14,722,310 2,324,280 15.8% 0
Protection 400,000 0 0 0.0% 0
Protection-GBV sub-sector 1,844,224 2,077,532 465,622 22.4% 0
Refugees 6,691,824 3,903,173 3,196,349 81.9% 0
Shelter and NFIs 4,045,000 8,855,000 3,504,688 39.6% 0
WASH 17,672,870 31,063,938 9,548,518 30.7% 0
Multiple Field clusters (shared) 4,326,773

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