Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2020



Total incoming funding: US$1,991,196,017
Total requirements: US$3,382,681,703
Coverage: 58.9%
Outgoing funding: US$20,645,889
Incoming minus outgoing funding: US$1,970,550,128
Total pledges: US$25,056,754
Displaying 1 - 50 of 504
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- New amount and year v2 Track displaced populations, disseminate information on what services are available, and provide targeted assistance to vulnerable populations
All non-COVID
$694,798 Paid Contribution Incoming
Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Response in Sa'ada Yemen, Multiyear 2017 -2020, total amount CHF 1,076,486 (7F-09798.01)
All non-COVID
$27,249 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Yemen: WASH and Education Support to internally displaced children and families (BMZ-2017-4991 0)
All non-COVID
$4,857,820 Commitment Incoming
International Rescue Committee
Emergency response cholera, improved access to WASH.
All non-COVID
$69,178 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Responding to the WASH needs through a community based approach in Hajjah and Dhamar
All non-COVID
$411,512 Commitment Incoming
Education Above All Foundation
CARE Yemen
Boys and girls (ages 5-18/grades 1-12) in 20 vulnerable government schools have improved access to a better quality and equity of education, and female and male youth (ages 18 to 25) are empowered to use their vocational and entrepreneurial skills to derive a sustainable income and contribute to their communities in the conflict-affected areas, Multiyear, 2018-2019, 2020 portion, total award USD 763,953
All non-COVID
$763,953 Commitment Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Wash / Cholera Response for Conflict Affected People in Yemen, Multiyear 2018-2020, 2020 portion, total amount CHF 107,768 (7F-10070.01)
All non-COVID
$108,419 Commitment Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Support to Yemen Humanitarian Pooled Fund $13,210,040 Paid Contribution Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Improving access to health services and protecting the people most affected by the crisis; (2020 portion)
All non-COVID
$2,365,126 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Food emergency in Yemen $64,772,727 Commitment Incoming
MĂ©decins du Monde
Emergency medical aid for conflict-affected host communities and internally displaced persons in Yemen
All non-COVID
$3,105,682 Commitment Incoming
Save the Children
Integrated nutrition, health and WASH measures for conflict-affected children and families
All non-COVID
$2,252,765 Commitment Incoming
Care Germany
Provision of water, sanitation and hygiene measures, cash assistance for food security and distribution of livestock for vulnerable internally displaced persons and host communities. (2020 portion)
All non-COVID
$1,673,281 Commitment Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Basic medical care in Al-Hudaydah, Hajjah and Saada
All non-COVID
$5,847,953 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
To strengthen protection to the Yemen response, including to mixed migration and other vulnerable groups, while ensuring a whole of caseload approach to protection (2020 portion)
All non-COVID
$6,562 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Protective and relief measures for internally displaced persons and refugees affected by the crisis in Yemen (2020 portion) $10,989,011 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Development Programme
Emergency assistance in the field of humanitarian mine and ordnance disposal in Yemen
All non-COVID
$1,094,092 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- 2020 portion v2 Earmarked Contributions 2019-2022 to UNHCR Operations - Various Countries, multi-year 2019-2022, part of 2019 portion total amount CHF 14 million, for Yemen CHF 1 million (7F-10333.01)
All non-COVID
$1,023,541 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Population Fund
My Safety, Our Future: The Protection of Women and Girls from Gender-based Violence in Yemen, Multi-year, 2019-2021, 2020 portion, total amount CHF 600,000 (7F-09796.02)
All non-COVID
$604,839 Commitment Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Life-saving protection measures (advice and cash transfers) for internally displaced persons, returnees and vulnerable members of host communities (2020 portion)
All non-COVID
$191,466 Commitment Incoming
Inter Religious Council
Integrated health, nutrition, protection and food security assistance for conflict-affected populations
All non-COVID
$1,132,497 Commitment Incoming
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic Humanitarian Funds for -Yemen (SM1899100725)
All non-COVID
$28,500 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
United Nations Population Fund
Procurement of Dignity Kits, Enrollment of and distribution of RRM kits to newly displaced persons
All non-COVID
$4,000,149 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
United Nations Population Fund
Supporting the most vulnerable women and girls through the running safe spaces in high severity districts with displaced persons
All non-COVID
$2,003,257 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) [OCT 6834]
All non-COVID
$327,225 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) [OCT 6803]
All non-COVID
$5,512,679 Paid Contribution Incoming
Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion
Document access impediments in Yemen to increase access to services and collect evidence on the use of explosive weapons with the wide area effects in populated areas
All non-COVID
$74,615 Commitment Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Yemen - OCHA Office [OCT 6780];[YK/OCHA747]
All non-COVID
$363,636 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OCT 6293 [OCT 6293];[11630]
All non-COVID
$622,407 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Health Organization
Support to WHO COVID-19 response - Yemen -
Health COVID-19
$10,000,000 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Nutrition activities in Yemen (SM200051)
All non-COVID
$382,422 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
OCT 6869 [OCT 6869] $8,195,021 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) [OCT 6919] (P008923) $5,090,909 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
WFP Yemen Country Team - Education
All non-COVID
$12,727,273 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Emergency health assistance to IDPs and other conflict-affected Yemenis
All non-COVID
$1,601,027 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Health Organization
Providing reproductive health services and emergency follow-up for pregnant women and girls in Yemen
All non-COVID
$2,588,597 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Unearmarked contribution to IOM for life-saving humanitarian protection and assistance (P008909)
All non-COVID
$708,910 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Emergency Assistance for Prevention of Further Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection
CCCM COVID-19 | Protection COVID-19 | Shelter/NFI COVID-19 | WASH COVID-19
$2,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OCT 6935 [OCT 6935];[18/6994]
All non-COVID
$189,251 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) [OCT 6935] (QZA-18/0177-8)
All non-COVID
$1,892,506 Paid Contribution Incoming
Action Against Hunger - Canada
Yemen HRP 2020 :Multisector humanitarian response in Yemen (P007430)
All non-COVID
$1,410,437 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Integrated Emergency Health, Nutrition & WASH for conflict affected populations in Taiz 2019-2021/2020 portion incl. COVID
Health COVID-19 | Nutrition COVID-19 | WASH COVID-19
$1,725,518 Paid Contribution Incoming
CARE Canada
Yemen HRP 2020: Multisector humanitarian response in Yemen (P008963)
All non-COVID
$1,410,437 Paid Contribution Incoming
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
Yemen HRP 2020: Multisector humanitarian response in Yemen through ADRA Canada (P009005)
All non-COVID
$916,784 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Medical Corps US
Yemen HRP 2020: Multisector humanitarian response in Yemen (P008964)
All non-COVID
$1,198,872 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
All non-COVID
$180,313 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Health Organization
Yemen COVID-19 emergency response project
Health COVID-19
$20,000,000 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
UNHAS Logistics Support and Relief Commodities (USAID/OFDA)
All non-COVID
$4,500,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Logistics Support and Relief Commodities (USAID/OFDA)
All non-COVID
$5,500,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Yemen Humanitarian Fund
Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) [OCT 6945]
All non-COVID
$54,585 Paid Contribution Incoming

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