Zambia Humanitarian Appeal 2020



Total incoming funding: US$27,969,390
Total original requirements: US$89,537,019
Total current requirements: US$89,537,019
Coverage: 31.2%
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Field cluster/sector Sort descending Current requirements US$ Funding US$ Coverage % Pledges US$
Early Recovery 13,100,622 0 0.0% 0
Education 1,700,000 506,495 29.8% 0
Food Security 54,261,397 20,195,129 37.2% 0
Health 6,375,000 798,779 12.5% 0
Not reported 0 2,232,143 0.0% 0
Nutrition 4,400,000 498,577 11.3% 0
Protection 5,000,000 2,278,717 45.6% 0
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 4,700,000 1,459,550 31.1% 0

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