Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) 2020
You have filtered on a destination object (Field cluster). Please note that filters do not change a boundary, but reduces the result set accordingly. This means that flow funding values in the result set cannot always be simply added together to get the total funding, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as shared flows and internal flows. |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source org. | Destination org. | Project code | Description | Field Cluster | Amount (US$) | Funding status | Boundary | Destination country |
#187699 |
UN Women
Articulación y estandarización de rutas a nivel territorial para la atención de casos de VSBG para mujeres retornadas y venezolanas. Total award: USD 2,000,000. |
Health | Integration | Protection
$1,000,000 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#187740 |
International Organization for Migration
Transporte humanitario. Coordinación de la respuesta de emergencia articulada desde el GIFMM (multisector). Recolección de datos y análisis de la situación de emergencia y necesidades humanitarias. NFI y kits de hábitat. Alojamiento en centros colectivos o de tránsito. Recuperación y manejo nutricional. Provisión de primeros auxilios físicos y emocionales (psicosocial). Atención clínica de emergencia a VBG. Entrega de kits de aseo. Entrega de kits de dignidad. |
Education | Food Security | Health | Humanitarian Transportation | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$17,809 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#187808 |
International Organization for Migration
Gestión de información, conocimiento y capacitaciones. Sensibilización y formación a funcionarios/as (Salud, justicia, documentación, regularización, seguridad, convivencia, gestión del espacio público, etc). Promover espacios de dialogo para ajustar la normatividad y políticas públicas para el acceso a derechos y servicios de la población refugiada y migrante (incluyendo Plan Actividad Nacional de Desarrollo, ley de movilidad, CONPES, etc.) |
Education | Food Security | Health | Humanitarian Transportation | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$6,684,677 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#188063 |
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Primary health care and basic needs coverage for vulnerable refugees, migrants and returnees from Venezuela through cash assistance and the distribution of property (part of 2020 portion) |
Health | Integration | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | WASH
$573,711 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#202769 |
Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
Integral Protection and Humanitarian Assistance to border population, displaced persons, returnees and migrants with multiaffectation in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Multiyear; 2019-2021, 2020 portion, total amount CHF 645,000 (7F-10139.02) |
Health | Integration | WASH
$650,202 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#205400 |
Fondation Chanel
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Colombia for Venezuela emergency |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$550,055 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#207150 |
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
- Atención psicológica individual - Capacitación a miembros del personal de salud en temas de autocuidado |
$330,643 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#207189 |
World Health Organization
Apoyo tecnico al sector salud en la respuesta a movilidad humana, con fortalecimiento de la vigilancia de la salud con entrega de equipos e insumos, talleres de formacion y entrenamiento para analisis de informacion y toma de decicsones (MOPECE y ejercicios de simulaciones y simulacros) |
$116,027 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#208296 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
to support the crisis affected population Venezuelan refugees in Colombia |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$1,091,703 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#208917 |
UNICEF National Committee/Canada
United Nations Children's Fund
Canadian UNICEF Committee SM1899100733 |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$996,545 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
Argentina | Aruba (Netherlands) | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | Uruguay | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curaçao (Netherlands) | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guyana
#208918 |
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
United States Fund for UNICEF SM1899100648 |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$142,679 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
Argentina | Aruba (Netherlands) | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | Uruguay | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curaçao (Netherlands) | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guyana
#208926 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
Cross-sectoral |
Education | Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$6,588 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#208930 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
Cross-sectoral for Regional Office |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$3,601,502 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
Argentina | Aruba (Netherlands) | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | Uruguay | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curaçao (Netherlands) | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guyana
#208937 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
cross sectoral |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$303,854 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#208938 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
cross sectoral |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$22,663 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#209563 |
International Organization for Migration
Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, strengthen capacities, and improve healthcare assistance for women and girls in Sexual and Reproducting related issues. Total: CAD 1,571,015 (2020: CAD 698,229; 2021: CAD 872,786) |
$1,107,909 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#209575 |
International Organization for Migration
Raise awareness campaigns and capacity building activities for the promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, prevention of adolescent pregnancy. Total: CAD 486,917 (2020: CAD 216.407; 2021: CAD 270,509) |
$343,383 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#209596 |
CARE International
Multisector humanitarian response in Ecuador (P008949) |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | WASH
$358,938 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210339 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Colombia - unearmarked - |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$550,000 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#210340 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Colombia - unearmarked - |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$329,667 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210496 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$363,636 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210497 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$75,571 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210498 |
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$2,441 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210499 |
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$37,559 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210511 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Venezuela RMRP Dominican Republic |
Health | Integration | Protection
$154,627 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210518 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Colombia - Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM) |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$5,700,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210521 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Peru- Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM) |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$3,000,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210524 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Costa Rica- Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM) |
Education | Health | Integration | Protection | Support Services
$300,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210525 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Dominican Republic- Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM) |
Health | Integration | Protection
$400,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210526 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis Trinidad and Tobago- Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM) |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Protection | Support Services
$700,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210674 |
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Population Fund
Emergency Funds allocation - Regional Office/Panama City |
Health | Protection | Support Services
$156,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
Argentina | Aruba (Netherlands) | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | Uruguay | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curaçao (Netherlands) | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guyana
#210678 |
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Population Fund
Emergency Funds allocation |
Health | Integration | NFIs | Protection | Support Services
$108,185 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210679 |
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Population Fund
Emergency Funds allocation |
Health | Protection | Support Services
$104,556 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210681 |
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Population Fund
Emergency Funds allocation |
Health | Protection | Support Services
$500,023 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210756 |
International Organization for Migration
Provision of medical consultations and medicines - Peru |
$20,856 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210767 |
World Health Organization
Promote access to Mental Health and Psycho-social Support Capacity buiding activities in MHPSS to health-related professionals, educators, social workers and community champions; and establishment of community-based mutual support groups and mental health promotion activities in community settings focusing on vulnerabale groups (e.g. victims of sexual / gender-related violence, children and adolescents, indigenous people ) (in Boa Vista) |
$366,141 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210798 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Part of the US $ 1,700,000 grant (Health, portion) - State/PRM |
$347,643 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210802 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Part of US$ 1,800,000 grant - Health portion (State/PRM) |
$552,636 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210803 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Part of US$ 1,800,000 grant - Health portion (State/PRM) |
$197,280 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210809 |
United Nations Children's Fund
LACRO - Health (State/PRM). Q3 |
$97,200 | Commitment | Incoming |
Argentina | Aruba (Netherlands) | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | Uruguay | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curaçao (Netherlands) | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guyana
#210857 |
United Nations Children's Fund
LACRO: Non-thematic unearmarked humanitarian support to Venezuela Outflow - Brazil - Health (SM200110) |
$39,852 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210858 |
UNICEF National Committee/Spain
United Nations Children's Fund
Humanitarian Response for Migrant Children - Colombia -Health (SM200019) |
$20,278 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#211087 |
United Nations Children's Fund
HAC Venezuela regional (Colombia) 2020 |
Education | Health | Integration | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$910,194 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#211158 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Colombia for Venezuela Outflow emergency |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$329,667 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#211334 |
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
The 2020 country programme will aim at delivering a lifesaving response that focuses on nutrition and health, WASH, sexual and reproductive health as well as food security and livelihood support. |
Food Security | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | WASH
$784,109 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#211361 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Part of the US $ 1,700,000 grant (Cross Sectorial portion) - State/PRM- |
Education | Health | Integration | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$238,501 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#211764 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Social Inclusion (State/PRM) |
Education | Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$37,800 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#211765 |
United Nations Children's Fund
Education, Health, Multi-Sector Assistance, Protection, WASH (State/PRM) |
Education | Health | Nutrition | Protection | WASH
$14,506 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#211906 |
International Organization for Migration
Support local hospitals in the provision of health care services, focusing on PHC. Improve capacities of receiving communities to conduct epidemiological surveillance (USAID/OFDA) |
$3,376,684 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#212041 |
United Nations Children's Fund
LACRO: Non-thematic unearmarked humanitarian support to Venezuela Outflow - Brazil - Cross-sectoral (SM200110) |
Education | Health | Integration | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$30,348 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |