Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) 2020



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Displaying 1 - 50 of 135
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Destination org. Project code Description Field Cluster Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary Destination country
International Organization for Migration
Transporte humanitario. Coordinación de la respuesta de emergencia articulada desde el GIFMM (multisector). Recolección de datos y análisis de la situación de emergencia y necesidades humanitarias. NFI y kits de hábitat. Alojamiento en centros colectivos o de tránsito. Recuperación y manejo nutricional. Provisión de primeros auxilios físicos y emocionales (psicosocial). Atención clínica de emergencia a VBG. Entrega de kits de aseo. Entrega de kits de dignidad.
Education | Food Security | Health | Humanitarian Transportation | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$17,809 Commitment Incoming
International Organization for Migration
Gestión de información, conocimiento y capacitaciones. Sensibilización y formación a funcionarios/as (Salud, justicia, documentación, regularización, seguridad, convivencia, gestión del espacio público, etc). Promover espacios de dialogo para ajustar la normatividad y políticas públicas para el acceso a derechos y servicios de la población refugiada y migrante (incluyendo Plan Actividad Nacional de Desarrollo, ley de movilidad, CONPES, etc.)
Education | Food Security | Health | Humanitarian Transportation | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$6,684,677 Commitment Incoming
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Primary health care and basic needs coverage for vulnerable refugees, migrants and returnees from Venezuela through cash assistance and the distribution of property (part of 2020 portion)
Health | Integration | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | WASH
$573,711 Commitment Incoming
Caritas Germany (DCV)
Cross-border emergency food, shelter, health and protection through cash assistance for Venezuelan refugees and migrants. 2018: 204.889 € 2019: 759.464 € 2020: 800.000 € (2020 portion) (part of AA-S09-51 321.50 VEN 05/18)
Food Security | Protection | Shelter | WASH
$707,602 Commitment Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Improve access to humanitarian assistance and protection mechanisms- Venezuela crisis (part of ECHO/-AM/BUD/2018/91052)
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$432,671 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNCF01- Ecuador - Oct19
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$7,115 Paid Contribution Incoming
Fondation Chanel
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Colombia for Venezuela emergency
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$550,055 Paid Contribution Incoming
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
(Airbnb) - Provisión de alojamiento temporal para familias venezolanas
$584,286 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
to support the crisis affected population Venezuelan refugees in Colombia
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$1,091,703 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
NRC seeks to respond to the humanitarian needs of the people affected by the Venezuelan crisis, with a focus on communities affected by displacement.
$56,231 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
NRC seeks to respond to the humanitarian needs of the people affected by the Venezuelan crisis, with a focus on communities affected by displacement.
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$80,507 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Food Security - Protection, humanitarian assistance and durable solutions for people affected by the armed conflict in Chocó and the humanitarian crisis in the border between Colombia and Venezuela.
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$7,703 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Protection, humanitarian assistance and durable solutions for people affected by the armed conflict in Chocó and the humanitarian crisis in the border between Colombia and Venezuela.
$27,339 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
WASH - Protection, humanitarian assistance and durable solutions for people affected by the armed conflict in Chocó and the humanitarian crisis in the border between Colombia and Venezuela.
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$36,545 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
NRC aims to save lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity for communities affected by displacement inside Venezuela and for PNIP coming from Venezuela.
$44,957 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
WASH - NRC aims to save lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity for communities affected by displacement inside Venezuela and for PNIP coming from Venezuela.
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$27,238 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Norwegian Refugee Council
Support spaces for people in need of international protection from Venezuela
$26,538 Paid Contribution Incoming
CARE International
Multisector humanitarian response in Ecuador (P008949)
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | WASH
$358,938 Paid Contribution Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Protection and humanitarian assistance to recently displaced people and confined communities in Colombia (part of ECHO/-AM/BUD/2019/91052)
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$661,521 Commitment Incoming
Norwegian Refugee Council
Improve access to humanitarian assistance and protection mechanisms- Venezuela crisis (part of ECHO/-AM/BUD/2018/91052)
$124,738 Commitment Incoming
Ford Foundation
Norwegian Refugee Council
Support to ensure access to education for Venezuelan children migrants in Colombia and Ecuador, and for displaced children in Venezuela.
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$1,891 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Norwegian Refugee Council
Shelter - Protection strategy for refugees, returnees and host communities in border areas. To promote access to protective learning environments for children.
$1,173 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Colombia - unearmarked -
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$550,000 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Colombia - unearmarked -
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$329,667 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador -
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$441,000 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador -
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$363,636 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador -
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$883,055 Commitment Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador -
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$183,151 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador -
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$108,754 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador -
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$100,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador -
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$7,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$363,636 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$75,571 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$2,441 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$37,559 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Argentina - Private donors from Spain
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$220,507 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Argentina -
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$8,500 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Private Donors from Canada Venezuela RMRP 2020 Open Items
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$60,733 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Colombia - Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM)
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$5,700,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Brazil - Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM)
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$2,100,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Ecuador - Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM)
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$3,300,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Peru- Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM)
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$3,000,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Chile- Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM)
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$2,800,000 Paid Contribution Incoming
Caritas Switzerland
Proporcionar y organizar refugios adecuados (part of ECHO/-AM/BUD/2019/91031)
$44,980 Paid Contribution Incoming
Medicor Foundation
Caritas Switzerland
1. Proporcionar refugio adecuado 2. Proporcionar y organizar refugios adecuados, incluyendo alquiler y construcción subsidiados
$16,848 Paid Contribution Incoming
Caritas Switzerland
(Parish of Lucerne, Catholic Regional Church of Baselland & private donors) 1. Proporcionar refugio adecuado 2. Proporcionar y organizar refugios adecuados, incluyendo alquiler y construcción subsidiados
$6,552 Paid Contribution Incoming
Private (individuals & organizations)
Caritas Switzerland
Establish and maintain Houses of Migrants (shelters) to receive and shelter vulnerable migrants/refugees in four locations. (Conducted by SPM)
$72,560 Paid Contribution Incoming
Caritas Peru
Europana - Promoting assistance and protection for migrants, asylum seekers and local vulnerable persons - Peru - Shelter (part of ECHO/-AM/BUD/2019/91031)
$3,910 Paid Contribution Incoming
Caritas Germany (DCV)
Europana - Promoting assistance and protection for migrants, asylum seekers and local vulnerable persons - Colombia - Shelter (part of ECHO/-AM/BUD/2019/91031)
$43,100 Paid Contribution Incoming
Caritas Germany (DCV)
Cross-border emergency food, shelter, health and protection through cash assistance for Venezuelan refugees and migrants - Shelter (2020 portion) (part of AA-S09-51 321.50 VEN 05/18)
$69,692 Paid Contribution Incoming

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