Venezuela Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) 2020
You have filtered on a destination object (Field cluster). Please note that filters do not change a boundary, but reduces the result set accordingly. This means that flow funding values in the result set cannot always be simply added together to get the total funding, as other factors need to be taken into account, such as shared flows and internal flows. |
Flow ID Sort descending | Source org. | Destination org. | Project code | Description | Field Cluster | Amount (US$) | Funding status | Boundary | Destination country |
#187699 |
UN Women
Articulación y estandarización de rutas a nivel territorial para la atención de casos de VSBG para mujeres retornadas y venezolanas. Total award: USD 2,000,000. |
Health | Integration | Protection
$1,000,000 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#187708 |
International Organization for Migration
Social cohesion and integration activities in Roraima and states of internationalisation. |
$26,489 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#187740 |
International Organization for Migration
Transporte humanitario. Coordinación de la respuesta de emergencia articulada desde el GIFMM (multisector). Recolección de datos y análisis de la situación de emergencia y necesidades humanitarias. NFI y kits de hábitat. Alojamiento en centros colectivos o de tránsito. Recuperación y manejo nutricional. Provisión de primeros auxilios físicos y emocionales (psicosocial). Atención clínica de emergencia a VBG. Entrega de kits de aseo. Entrega de kits de dignidad. |
Education | Food Security | Health | Humanitarian Transportation | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$17,809 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#187742 |
International Organization for Migration
Fortalecimiento y capacitación a la empresa privada para condiciones de trabajo justas. Apoyar acciones para la homologación de títulos. Fortalecer capacidades de las organizaciones con base comunitaria y de fe para el trabajo de cohesión social y convivencia pacífica. Espacios de diálogo en las comunidades que promuevan la hospitalidad. Identificación de instituciones para procesos de formación y capacitación laboral: - Emprendimientos (urbanos). - Agropecuarios (rural). Alianzas público privadas para la generación de oportunidades para medios de vida e ingresos. Reactivación socio-económica en contextos rurales. |
$18,031 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#187808 |
International Organization for Migration
Gestión de información, conocimiento y capacitaciones. Sensibilización y formación a funcionarios/as (Salud, justicia, documentación, regularización, seguridad, convivencia, gestión del espacio público, etc). Promover espacios de dialogo para ajustar la normatividad y políticas públicas para el acceso a derechos y servicios de la población refugiada y migrante (incluyendo Plan Actividad Nacional de Desarrollo, ley de movilidad, CONPES, etc.) |
Education | Food Security | Health | Humanitarian Transportation | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$6,684,677 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#188063 |
Malteser International Order of Malta World Relief
Primary health care and basic needs coverage for vulnerable refugees, migrants and returnees from Venezuela through cash assistance and the distribution of property (part of 2020 portion) |
Health | Integration | NFIs | Nutrition | Protection | Shelter | WASH
$573,711 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#195185 |
International Labour Organization
International Labour Organization
(Core voluntary funds) Gobernabilidad de las migraciones mejorada en Colombia para promover empleos y trabajo decente. Total funding amount: $1,000,000 (2019: $310,480; 2020-2021: $689,520) |
Education | Integration | Protection
$689,520 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#195370 |
UN Women
1. Provide technical assistance, mobilize partnerships and resources to promote migrant, asylum seeker, refugee and host women’s economic empowerment, opportunities and rights. 2. Provide Portuguese classes; vocational trainings on finance/accounting, business/entrepreneurship development; job counselling and legal advice on work permits and job security and other activities to improve livelihoods and life skills to female-only groups of Venezuelan migrant, asylum seeker refugee women. 3. Provide multi-purpose, unconditional, unrestricted cash to Venezuelan migrant, asylum seeker refugee women to support recovery, resiliency, economic empowerment and relocation. Total amount: € 95,323 (2019: € 67,823; 2020: € 27,500) |
Integration | Multipurpose CBI
$31,393 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#195372 |
UN Women
1. Provide technical assistance, mobilize partnerships and resources to promote migrant, asylum seeker, refugee and host women’s participation in the humanitarian response. 2. Develop capacities of local partners to incorporate a gender perspective in the humanitarian response. 3. Provide leadership training to Venezuelan migrant, asylum seeker refugee women and host women and organize various activities in the safe space for women to promote co-existence and cultural exchanges. 4. Coordination, monitoring and evaluation. 5. Administrative agent fee and indirect programme costs. Total amount: € 158,458 (2019: € 111,185; 2020: € 47,273) |
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Protection
$53,965 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#199844 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Improve access to humanitarian assistance and protection mechanisms- Venezuela crisis (part of ECHO/-AM/BUD/2018/91052) |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$432,671 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#200560 |
Pan American Development Foundation
Colombia/Venezuela, FUPAD: Integration and development of the migrants from Venezuela in Colombia, 2019 - 2020" , Multiyear 2019-2020, 2020 portion, total amount CHF 150,000 (7F-10342.01) |
$151,210 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#202769 |
Comitato Internationale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
Integral Protection and Humanitarian Assistance to border population, displaced persons, returnees and migrants with multiaffectation in Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Multiyear; 2019-2021, 2020 portion, total amount CHF 645,000 (7F-10139.02) |
Health | Integration | WASH
$650,202 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#205397 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNCF01- Ecuador - Oct19 |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$7,115 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#205400 |
Fondation Chanel
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Colombia for Venezuela emergency |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$550,055 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#207152 |
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
- Personas que reciben orientación en temas de empleabilidad, becas de capacitación vocacional y educación financiera - Personas que reciben orientación en temas de emprendimiento y capacitadas en habilidades de incubación de negocios. - Emprendimientos apoyados con capital semilla. Personas referidas a procesos de vinculación laboral en relación de dependencia. - Acercamientos a empleadores y la empresa privada para sensibilización en acceso al trabajo de la población en movilidad humana. Acuerdos firmados. - Participantes que asisten a talleres de HIAS y que incrementan sus conocimientos sobre liderazgo e integración comunitaria, sensibilización y prevención de la discriminación, xenofobia, y vulneraciones de derecho. |
$715,419 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#207184 |
Islamic Relief Worldwide
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
(IRUSA) - Personas que reciben orientación en temas de empleabilidad, becas de capacitación vocacional y educación financiera - Personas que reciben orientación en temas de emprendimiento y capacitadas en habilidades de incubación de negocios. - Emprendimientos apoyados con capital semilla. Personas referidas a procesos de vinculación laboral en relación de dependencia. |
$36,990 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#208296 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
to support the crisis affected population Venezuelan refugees in Colombia |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$1,091,703 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#208917 |
UNICEF National Committee/Canada
United Nations Children's Fund
Canadian UNICEF Committee SM1899100733 |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$996,545 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
Argentina | Aruba (Netherlands) | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | Uruguay | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curaçao (Netherlands) | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guyana
#208918 |
United States Fund for UNICEF
United Nations Children's Fund
United States Fund for UNICEF SM1899100648 |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$142,679 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
Argentina | Aruba (Netherlands) | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | Uruguay | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curaçao (Netherlands) | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guyana
#208930 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
Cross-sectoral for Regional Office |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$3,601,502 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |
Argentina | Aruba (Netherlands) | Mexico | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Trinidad and Tobago | Uruguay | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Curaçao (Netherlands) | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | Guyana
#208937 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
cross sectoral |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$303,854 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#208938 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Children's Fund
cross sectoral |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | Nutrition | Protection | Support Services | WASH
$22,663 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#209069 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
NRC seeks to respond to the humanitarian needs of the people affected by the Venezuelan crisis, with a focus on communities affected by displacement. |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$80,507 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#209071 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Food Security - Protection, humanitarian assistance and durable solutions for people affected by the armed conflict in Chocó and the humanitarian crisis in the border between Colombia and Venezuela. |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$7,703 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#209072 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Protection, humanitarian assistance and durable solutions for people affected by the armed conflict in Chocó and the humanitarian crisis in the border between Colombia and Venezuela. |
$1,238 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#209076 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
WASH - Protection, humanitarian assistance and durable solutions for people affected by the armed conflict in Chocó and the humanitarian crisis in the border between Colombia and Venezuela. |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$36,545 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#209086 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
WASH - NRC aims to save lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity for communities affected by displacement inside Venezuela and for PNIP coming from Venezuela. |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$27,238 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#209596 |
CARE International
Multisector humanitarian response in Ecuador (P008949) |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | WASH
$358,938 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210152 |
Norwegian Refugee Council
Protection and humanitarian assistance to recently displaced people and confined communities in Colombia (part of ECHO/-AM/BUD/2019/91052) |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$661,521 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210291 |
Ford Foundation
Norwegian Refugee Council
Support to ensure access to education for Venezuelan children migrants in Colombia and Ecuador, and for displaced children in Venezuela. |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter
$1,891 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210316 |
Dubai Cares
Norwegian Refugee Council
Protecting children and youth through education in Northeast Colombia |
$28,932 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210339 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Colombia - unearmarked - |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$550,000 | Commitment | Incoming | ||
#210340 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Colombia - unearmarked - |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$329,667 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210341 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador - |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$441,000 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210342 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador - |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$363,636 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210343 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador - |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$883,055 | Commitment | Incoming | |||
#210345 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador - |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$183,151 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210346 |
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador - |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$108,754 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210347 |
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador - |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$100,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210348 |
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP 2020 - Ecuador - |
Education | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$7,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210496 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$363,636 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210497 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$75,571 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210498 |
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$2,441 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210499 |
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Peru No earmarking |
Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$37,559 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210500 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Argentina - Private donors from Spain |
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$220,507 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210501 |
United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Argentina - |
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$8,500 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210511 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela RMRP Venezuela RMRP Dominican Republic |
Health | Integration | Protection
$154,627 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210516 |
Private (individuals & organizations)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Private Donors from Canada Venezuela RMRP 2020 Open Items |
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$60,733 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | ||
#210518 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Colombia - Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM) |
Education | Health | Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services | WASH
$5,700,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming | |||
#210519 |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Venezuela Regional Crisis - Brazil - Venezuela RMRP-2020 (State/PRM) |
Integration | Multipurpose CBI | NFIs | Protection | Shelter | Support Services
$2,100,000 | Paid Contribution | Incoming |