GHRP (COVID) Global Humanitarian Response Plan 2020



Total incoming funding: US$3,705,625,493
Outgoing funding: US$5,486,528
Incoming minus outgoing funding: US$3,700,138,965
Total pledges: US$49,897,360
Displaying 1 - 50 of 3367
Flow ID Sort descending Source org. Description Amount (US$) Destination org. Field Cluster Destination Plan Destination country Funding status Destination sector Boundary
Sustaining access to primary healthcare, mental health and psychosocial support, sexual and reproductive health, including treatment and care for victims of gender-based violence in Northern Uganda - Health response to the impact of the protracted South Sudanese crisis in Uganda in 2018 (part of ECHO/-HF/BUD/2018/91047) $197,531
Médecins du Monde
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Moving Urban Poor Communities in the Philippines Toward Resilience (MOVE UP Philippines) (part of ECHO/-XA/BUD/2018/91017) $116,144
CARE Netherlands
Coordination COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Emergency assistance and resilience building for the conflict affected population of Nashabye, Eastern Ghouta.(part of ECHO/SYR/BUD/2018/91054) $202,362
Cooperazione Internazionale - COOPI
Food Security and Agriculture COVID-19 | Protection COVID-19 | WASH COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Urgent protection assistance for refugees in Turkey Phase IV (part of ECHO/TUR/BUD/2018/91007) $65,984
CARE Turkey
Multi-sector COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Fournir une approche intégrée pour renforcer l'environnement protecteur et développer les moyens de subsistance des communautés affectée par la crise centrafricaine dans l'Adamaoua (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2018/92052) $5,688
Danish Refugee Council
Protection: Child Protection COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Support à l'éducation, la cohésion sociale et l'inclusion des réfugiés centrafricains dans l'Adamaoua (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2019/92007) $5,688
Danish Refugee Council
Education COVID-19 | Protection COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Disaster and Epidemic Preparedness in Uganda (part of ECHO/-HF/BUD/2019/91017) $423,782
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Commitment Incoming
Access for out of school Children to Education and Safe Schools in Pakistan (AcCESS) (part of ECHO/-AS/BUD/2019/91003) $134,680
HOPE’87 – Hundreds of Original Projects for Employment
Education COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Provision of life-saving health services for vulnerable communities in Eastern Libya (part of ECHO/-NF/BUD/2019/91004) $55,741
Première Urgence Internationale
Commitment Incoming
Relief Assistance for Vulnerable Returnees Affected during Peace Operations in Tribal Districts of KP, Pakistan (RAST) (part of ECHO/-AS/BUD/2019/91002) $571,672
Cooperazione E Sviluppo - CESVI
Commitment Incoming
Appui au renforcement de l’accès aux soins médico-nutritionnels des populations vulnérables et à la redynamisation du système dans les zones affectées par les crises au Nord du Mali (part of ECHO/-WF/BUD/2019/91024) $61,728
Première Urgence Internationale
Santé COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Projet d’assistance médicale d’urgence auprès des populations affectées par le conflit dans la Nana-Gribizi en RCA (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2019/92019) $16,835
Alliance for International Medical Action
Santé COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Scaling up Forecast based Financing/Early Warning Early Action (FbF/EWEA) and Shock Responsive Social Protection (SRSP) with innovative use of climate risk information for disaster resilience in ASEAN (part of ECHO/-XA/BUD/2019/91029) $556,174
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security and Livelihoods COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Améliorer l'état de santé/nutrition et augmenter l’accès à la réponse et prévention des violences basées sur le genre des populations au Tchad (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2019/92037) $113,636
International Rescue Committee
Santé COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Flexible Emergency Assistance to Vulnerable Populations Affected by Cameroon's NW-SW Crisis (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2019/92040) $34,091
Danish Refugee Council
Protection: Child Protection COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Sexual Reproductive Health $750,000
United Nations Population Fund
Health COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Provision of humanitarian air service UNHAS in Libya (2020 portion) $555,556
World Food Programme
Common Services (Logistics, Coordination) COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Emergency Health response in favour of vulnerable populations affected by conflict and outbreaks in Nord Kivu province and neighbouring areas in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (part of ECHO/COD/BUD/2019/91004) $33,670
Santé COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Early Warning Early Action in Eastern Africa - Desert Locust Control, Avoiding Major Food Crisis $1,472,537
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
East Africa and Yemen: Locust Outbreak emergency response (Desert Locust Appeal for Rapid Response and anticipatory action) (P008906) $756,430
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Desert locust response to mitigate impacts on food security and livelihoods in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia $2,181,501
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SRP) for the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreak - Argentina. Total award: GBP 5 million. $24,957
World Health Organization
Commitment Incoming
Assistance d’'urgence pour le renforcement des capacités de la production alimentaire et de la résilience des populations vulnérables affectées par les conflits en République Centrafricaine (part of ECHO/-AF/BUD/2020/92005) $1,428,571
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Sécurité alimentaire COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Support to WHO’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan in high risk and vulnerable countries in Africa and Asia - Afghanistan (part of ECHO/DRF/BUD/2020/91003) $3,057,718
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Early action response to global containment of Novel Coronavirus outbreak (20-RR-WHO-017) - Health $2,429,907
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Libya OCHA Office [OCT 6293];[11630] $311,203
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Common Services (Logistics, Coordination) COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Preventing and Responding to the COVID-2019 Outbreak : Health (part of 20-RR-CEF-025) $436,786
United Nations Children's Fund
Santé COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Preventing and Responding to the COVID-2019 Outbreak : Health (part of 20-RR-CEF-025) $248,368
United Nations Children's Fund
Health and Nutrition COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Preventing and Responding to the COVID-2019 Outbreak:Education (part of 20-RR-CEF-025) $218,355
United Nations Children's Fund
Education COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Mastercard Foundation
Desert locust response to mitigate impacts on food security and livelihoods $2,817,230
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Commitment Incoming
Agriculture and Food Security (USAID/OFDA) $4,000,000
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Food Security COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
1st RA 2020 Emergency Response to COVID-19 in Afghanistan $1,498,155
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
BMG Support to WHO COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP) - MoH (German: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit- BMG) - Colombia $329,914
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
COVID -19: WHO HQ preparedness and response - Bangladesh $300,000
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
2019 nCOV Strategic Preparedness and response plan $200,000
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Plan strategique de L'OMS pour la preparation et la reponse a l'epidemie de COVID 19 - Egypte $50,000
World Health Organization
Health and Nutrition COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Coronavirus 2020 relief supply (7F-10452.01) $123,839
Swiss Development Cooperation/Swiss Humanitarian Aid
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Early action response to global containment of Novel Coronavirus outbreak (20-RR-WHO-017) $1,121,495
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Early action response to global containment of Novel Coronavirus outbreak (20-RR-WHO-017) $1,121,495
World Health Organization
Health and Nutrition COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Early action response to global containment of Novel Coronavirus outbreak (20-RR-WHO-017) $1,028,037
World Health Organization
Santé COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Early action response to global containment of Novel Coronavirus outbreak (20-RR-WHO-017) $841,120
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Early action response to global containment of Novel Coronavirus outbreak (20-RR-WHO-017) $747,664
World Health Organization
Santé COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Early action response to global containment of Novel Coronavirus outbreak (20-RR-WHO-017) $747,664
World Health Organization
Santé COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Early action response to global containment of Novel Coronavirus outbreak (20-RR-WHO-017) $747,664
World Health Organization
Multi-Cluster COVID-19
Paid Contribution Incoming
Strengthening National and State Level Capacities to Rapidly Detect and Respond to Novel Coronavirus to Stop Further Spread of 2019-nCOv Infection (COVID-19) $853,137
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
Support to WHO's preparedness and response activities to combat the global novel Coronavirus outbreak, International Disaster Account - Bangladesh (USAID) $700,000
World Health Organization
Commitment Incoming
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
COVID-19: Preparedness and response in WHO AFRO Region (portion inside the appeal) - DRC $149,974
World Health Organization
Santé COVID-19
Commitment Incoming
World Health Organization
Health COVID-19
Commitment Incoming

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