Nigeria 2017



Total incoming funding: US$125,926,238
Nigeria also provides international humanitarian funding - click here
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
Flow ID Source org. Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status Boundary
United Nations Children's Fund
Nigeria: IntegratedBasic Nutrition Response to the Humanitarian Crisis (205161-101/40098169) (SM160158) 987,595 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Nigeria: IntegratedBasic Nutrition Response to the Humanitarian Crisis (205161-101/40098169) (SM160158) 267,559 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Nigeria: IntegratedBasic Nutrition Response to the Humanitarian Crisis (205161-101/40098169) (SM160158) 1,017,628 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Nigeria: IntegratedBasic Nutrition Response to the Humanitarian Crisis (205161-101/40098169) (SM160158) 297,592 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Promoting Rights and Supporting Protection Needs in north East Nigeria (ProSPINE), Multiyear, 2016-2018, total GBP 1,680,244 546,824 (shared on boundary) Paid Contribution Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
To provide food items, WASH, support livelihood and provide water pumps 11,207,970 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Distribution of food items and cash transfer to households with malnourished children 527,441 Commitment Incoming
International Rescue Committee
Training to prevent child abuse and gender base violence + counselling to post conflict victims 290,446 Commitment Incoming
International Rescue Committee
Training to prevent child abuse and gender base violence + counselling to post conflict victims 668,524 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Distribution of medicine and cash transfer to households with malnourished children 797,055 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Distribution of food items and cash transfer to households with malnourished children 1,373,542 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Distribution of food items and cash transfer to households with malnourished children 47,304 Commitment Incoming
International Committee of the Red Cross
Economic recovery and infrastructure 19,583,843 Commitment Incoming
World Food Programme
Distribution of food items and cash transfer to households with malnourished children (EMOP 200777) 48,969,072 Paid Contribution Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Intergrated Nutrition Programme in Borno and Yobe states 5,207,398 Commitment Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Intergrated Nutrition Programme in Borno and Yobe states 12,224,132 Commitment Incoming
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International
Providing life-saving treatment for severe acute malnutrition and cash transfer to pregnant and lactating mothers. 4,209,749 Paid Contribution Incoming
International Rescue Committee
Promoting rights and supporting protection needs in north east Nigeria 6,113,587 Paid Contribution Incoming
World Food Programme
Provision of Humanitarian Air Services in Nigeria 7,761,966 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Australia
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic 4- Nutrition - Nigeria - FAMINE (SM1499101530) 204,886 Paid Contribution Incoming
Save the Children
Promoting Rights and Supporting Protection Needs in north East Nigeria (ProSPINE), Multiyear, 2016-2018, total GBP 1,680,244 591,842 Paid Contribution Incoming
United Nations Children's Fund
Nigeria: North East Nigeria Transition to Development - NENTAD.(SM170521) 3,531,309 Paid Contribution Incoming
UNICEF National Committee/Australia
United Nations Children's Fund
Thematic 4- Nutrition - Nigeria - FAMINE (SM1499101530) 45,798 Paid Contribution Incoming
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