Somalia 2018



Total incoming funding: US$572,140,879
Displaying 1 - 45 of 45
Source org. Funding US$ Sort ascending Pledges US$
United States of America, Government of 184,715,974 0
United Kingdom, Government of 129,004,378 0
Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of), Government of 38,839,333 0
Germany, Government of 34,048,547 0
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department 25,022,228 0
United Nations Children's Fund 20,316,906 0
Multiple donors through Central Emergency Response Fund 17,269,031 0
Sweden, Government of 14,292,327 0
Japan, Government of 13,500,000 0
Qatar Charity 13,302,328 0
Canada, Government of 12,355,121 0
Norway, Government of 11,561,747 0
Private (individuals & organizations) 9,985,881 0
China, Government of 7,500,000 0
Denmark, Government of 5,404,333 0
Ireland, Government of 4,561,543 0
Italy, Government of 4,554,521 0
Switzerland, Government of 4,302,858 0
European Commission 4,127,648 0
Not specified 3,622,229 0
Australia, Government of 3,026,536 0
Kuwait, Government of 1,400,000 0
European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (formerly EuropeAid DEVCO) 1,224,366 0
France, Government of 1,161,440 0
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) 1,119,687 0
New Zealand, Government of 1,107,143 0
Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity Society 856,853 0
UNICEF National Committee/Japan 811,368 0
South Africa, Government of 584,307 0
Multiple donors through UN Peacebuilding Fund 558,117 0
Korea, Republic of, Government of 300,000 0
International Organization for Migration 300,000 0
United Nations Population Fund 220,600 0
Belgium, Government of 197,640 0
UNICEF National Committee/Belgium 150,077 0
Netherlands, Government of 150,000 0
Kuwait Red Crescent Society 140,000 0
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom 137,435 0
United Nations Foundation 100,159 0
UNICEF National Committee/Germany 94,330 0
Qawafil for Relief and Development 82,508 0
UNICEF National Committee/Slovenia 55,901 0
UNICEF National Committee/Denmark 44,655 0
UNICEF National Committee/Australia 18,958 0
UNICEF National Committee/Slovakia 11,866 0

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