Sweden, Government of 2007



Total funding: US$4,931,348
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
Flow ID Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status Sort descending
We Effect
Humanitarian support to people affected by the floods 151,858 Commitment
Swedish Mission Council
Humanitarian support to people affected by the floods 76,532 Commitment
United Nations Development Programme
Humanitarian support to people affected by the earthquake 293,052 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Diakonia, Sweden
Food and agriculture assistance to people affected by the floods 30,577 Commitment
Swedish Mission Council
Food and water support to people affected by the floods 143,387 Commitment
Relief assistance 67,504 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Diakonia, Sweden
Health and medical, food and water assistance to people affected by the earthquake 140,502 Commitment
Swedish Mission Council
Food aid to people affected by the floods 135,859 Commitment
Save the Children
Humanitarian support to people affected by the floods 143,387 Commitment
Swedish Red Cross
Water and Household items support to people affected by the earthquake 144,090 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Response to UN Flash Appeal 907,250 Commitment
World Health Organization
Humanitarian support to people affected by the earthquake 1,025,681 Commitment
Adventist Development and Relief Agency
To provide food relief and non food items to 700 households (3,500 individuals) of those households not yet targeted by humanitarian assistance in Magoro Sub-County 78,390 Commitment
Swedish Red Cross
Humanitarian support to people affected by the floods 437,320 Commitment
Save the Children
Humanitarian support to people affected by the floods 68,356 Commitment
Save the Children
Psychological first aid to children and their families 109,241 Commitment
ACT Alliance / Diakonia, Sweden
Food, Water and Household items to people affected by the earthquke 143,729 Commitment
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Logistics/operations support 262,521 Commitment
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Humanitarian support through WFP 28,623 Commitment
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Support through WFP 47,343 Commitment
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB)
Flood Waste & Environmental Management support to the State of Tabasco 16,218 Commitment
United Nations Children's Fund
Humanitarian support to people affected by the earthquake 461,550 Paid Contribution
World Food Programme
Provision of logistics support 18,378 Paid Contribution
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