Germany, Government of 2020



Total funding: US$47,005,737
Total pledges: US$0
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Flow ID Sort descending Destination org. Description Sector Amount (US$) Funding status
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Germany's voluntary contribution 2020 19,845,645 Commitment
KFW Development
The aim of the measure is to strengthen the resilience of Palestinian refugees by creating temporary income opportunities and bringing them closer to the labour market. Furthermore, access to basic social services and WASH infrastructure is to be maintained (BMZ 2020 portion) 7,726,269 Commitment
Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund
Support of the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund GERMANY TO AFGHAN CHF AUG -20 1,185,834 Paid Contribution
occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund [OCT 6907] 6,514,658 Paid Contribution
United Nations Children's Fund
Humanitarian Assistance in the context of COVID-19 - Afghanistan. Total grant: €20 million (SM200459) 1,890,000 Paid Contribution
Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund
Germany provides the fund to Afghanistan (2020) GERMANY TO AFGHAN CHF *MAY20 2,166,776 Paid Contribution
occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund
oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) [OCT 7024] 6,718,925 Paid Contribution
German Red Cross
Global multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to reduce the negative impact of sudden disasters and crises, as well as existing long-lasting and forgotten crises on the affected population 369,395 Commitment
occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund
OCT 7081 [OCT 7081] 588,235 Paid Contribution
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