Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Response Strategy 2018



Total incoming funding: US$244,057,911
Total requirements: US$539,721,755
Coverage: 45.2%
Displaying 1 - 54 of 54
Source org. Sort descending Funding US$ % of coordinated plan funding Pledges US$
ACT Alliance / Bread for the World 105,386 0.0% 0
ACT Alliance / DanChurchAid 56,868 0.0% 0
ACT Alliance / Diakonie Austria 10,112 0.0% 0
ACT Alliance / Finn Church Aid 97,638 0.0% 0
ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid 64,038 0.0% 0
ACT Alliance / United Church of Canada 7,464 0.0% 0
Australia, Government of 8,740,719 3.6% 0
Austria, Government of 348,432 0.1% 0
Belgium, Government of 9,237,304 3.8% 0
Bulgaria, Government of 40,793 0.0% 0
Canada, Government of 14,031,227 5.7% 0
Multiple donors through Central Emergency Response Fund 18,652,690 7.6% 0
China, Government of 2,350,000 1.0% 0
Denmark, Government of 3,336,182 1.4% 0
Deutsche Bank AG 21,226 0.0% 0
Diana Tamari Sabbagh Foundation 89,000 0.0% 0
Multiple donors through Education Cannot Wait Fund 4,135,036 1.7% 0
Estonia, Government of 333,602 0.1% 0
European Commission 3,675,775 1.5% 0
European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department 34,062,882 14.0% 0
France, Government of 5,327,903 2.2% 0
Germany, Government of 48,012,273 19.7% 0
Heinrich Böll Foundation 9,125 0.0% 0
HEKS - Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz 56,615 0.0% 0
Iceland, Government of 239,165 0.1% 0
Ireland, Government of 1,085,765 0.4% 0
Italy, Government of 7,709,110 3.2% 0
Japan, Government of 9,560,972 3.9% 0
Jersey Overseas Aid 245,003 0.1% 0
Korea, Republic of, Government of 125,000 0.1% 0
Luxembourg, Government of 279,880 0.1% 0
Malta, Government of 125,771 0.1% 0
Methodist Church 30,812 0.0% 0
National Council of Churches in Australia 8,824 0.0% 0
Netherlands, Government of 1,040,378 0.4% 0
New Zealand, Government of 521,739 0.2% 0
Norway, Government of 13,699,167 5.6% 0
Not reported 108,624 0.0% 0
Poland, Government of 49,364 0.0% 0
Private (individuals & organizations) 705,712 0.3% 0
Russian Federation, Government of 2,000,000 0.8% 0
Save the Children 313,441 0.1% 0
South Africa, Government of 1,000,000 0.4% 0
Spain, Government of 3,184,560 1.3% 0
Sweden, Government of 11,013,870 4.5% 0
Swiss Solidarity 112,263 0.0% 0
Switzerland, Government of 13,892,183 5.7% 0
The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) 69,087 0.0% 0
Türkiye, Government of 1,200,000 0.5% 0
UNICEF National Committee/United Kingdom 750,000 0.3% 0
United Kingdom, Government of 5,549,804 2.3% 0
United Nations Population Fund 103,000 0.0% 0
United States of America, Government of 3,000,000 1.2% 0
World Food Programme 13,532,127 5.5% 0

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