Lebanon 2020



Total incoming funding: US$13,151,359
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27
Destination org. Funding US$ Sort ascending Pledges US$
Relief International 2,271,580 0
Save the Children 1,945,555 0
International Orthodox Christian Charities 1,614,722 0
MEDAIR 1,578,552 0
Swiss Red Cross 1,374,154 0
CARE International 1,216,840 0
EPER - Swiss Church Aid 1,122,376 0
CARE Lebanon 952,203 0
Oxfam 732,322 0
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation 630,463 0
Caritas Switzerland 563,063 0
Islamic Relief Worldwide 557,792 0
CARITAS 481,004 0
Terre des Hommes International 378,133 0
World Vision International 222,000 0
Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development 214,305 0
Plan International 132,783 0
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) 128,132 0
Action Contre la Faim - Action Against Hunger International 118,646 0
Mennonite Central Committee 106,701 0
World Health Organization 90,000 0
Qatar Charity 68,919 0
HelpAge International 63,440 0
Solidarités International 7,155 0
Norwegian Refugee Council -118,646 0
ACT Alliance / Norwegian Church Aid -1,179,255 0
International NGOs (Confidential) -2,121,580 0

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